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FileMaker Pro Database  |  1999-11-09  |  967.0 KB  |  5,501 lines  |  [FMP3/FMP3]

  1.  Copyright 1984-1998 FileMaker, Inc. 
  2. HBAM2016AUG95
  3. Pro 3.0
  5. HBAM3016AUG95@
  6. mastercard
  7. registration
  8. preferences
  9. product
  10. exercise
  11. generalC
  12. general
  13. healthC
  14. habit
  15. healthC
  16. managementB
  17. painB
  18. managementB
  19. fective
  20. combination
  21. trimA
  22. ultraA
  23. ultra-perfectA
  24. unitedA
  25. wantA
  26. weightA
  27. withA
  28. combinationA
  29. perfectA
  30. perfect
  31. combinationA
  32. perfectA
  33. ultraA
  34. ultra
  35. perfectA
  36. perfectA
  37. theseA
  38. these
  39. ultra
  40. perfectA
  41. ultraA
  42. usesA
  43. registration
  44. 2.6.7b2A
  45. versionA
  46. version
  47. 2.6.7b2A
  48. 2.6.7r3A
  49. versionA
  50. version
  51. 2.6.7r3A
  52. statesA
  53. stimulatingG
  54. strengthE
  55. strengtheningG
  56. stressC
  57. sulfateB
  58. supplementE
  59. surrenderB
  60. systemA
  61. technologiesG
  62. thatA
  63. ultra-perfect
  64. system
  65. highly
  66. effective
  67. combination
  68. themE
  69. thisE
  70. thousandsF
  71. throughoutG
  72. timesF
  73. sexual
  74. health
  75. formula
  76. based
  77. advanced
  78. traceH
  79. traditionalG
  80. trimA
  81. twentyH
  82. ultraA
  83. ultra-perfectA
  84. undigestedF
  85. uniqueG
  86. unitedA
  87. unlikeH
  88. uponG
  89. usingE
  90. usrdiH
  91. verifiedE
  92. vitaminH
  93. vitaminsH
  94. wantA
  95. waterD
  96. weightA
  97. whichG
  98. whileC
  99. withA
  100. worksF
  101. works
  102. sponge
  103. thousands
  104. microscopic
  105. fibers
  106. yearsG
  107. yourB
  108. creatineE
  109. creatine
  110. monohydrateE
  111. excessD
  112. excess
  113. water
  114. pillD
  115. fatigueC
  116. fatigue
  117. assassinC
  118. glucosamineB
  119. www_categories
  120. www_search
  121. www_neworder
  122. www_detail
  123. www_updateItem
  124. www_specials
  125. www_checkout
  126. www_deleteDate
  127. www_orderList
  128. CartOK3
  129. www_mailingLabels
  130. www_shipped
  131. A    www_admin
  132. www_addCustomer
  133. www_updateCustomer
  134. www_custCheckout
  135. www_closeup
  136. www_updateCredit
  137. Orders
  138. A    Customers
  139. Template
  140. Products
  141. About...
  142. Address Setup
  143. Credit Setup
  144. www_PostProcess
  145. EndUserLicLayout
  146. End User License
  147. Internet Setup
  148. Registration
  149. Ordered Items
  150. Customers - List
  151. Products - List
  152. www_orderUpdate
  153. Internet Setup - Registered
  154. www_creditSetup
  155. www_ordersFind
  156. www_productsFind
  157. _productsFind
  172.     CUSTEMAIL
  173. CUSTFAX
  178.     CUSTPHONE
  183.     FILEADMIN
  203.     FILEDECON
  204.     FILEEMAIL
  211. FILEEXP
  213. FILEFAX
  224. (    FILEPHONE
  234.     FILESTATE
  244. FILEURL
  250. FILEZIP
  258. ITMSHIP
  262.     ITMWEIGHT
  279.     ORDMETHOD
  295. N    ORDSTATUS
  296. ORDTAX
  297. DSTATUS
  298. ORDTAX
  299. ORDTAX
  319. he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight:
  320. [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30]
  321.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95']
  322.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  323.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  324. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  325.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  326.  [els
  327. e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  328.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  329. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  330.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  331.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  332.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  333. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  334.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  335.  [/if]
  336.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  337.      [variable_set:'
  338.  for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts.
  339. The following Variables are available to your script for use:
  340. method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names.
  341. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  342. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  343. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  344. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  345. state - Customer's shipping state.
  346. posta
  347. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  348. country - Customer's shipping country.
  349. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  350. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  351. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  352. An example that is common to t
  353. retentionD
  354. safeA
  355. scientificE
  356. scientific
  357. research
  358. verified
  359. natural
  360. dietE
  361. sexualG
  362. significantB
  363. smokersI
  364. smokers
  365. relief
  366. 7-day
  367. smoking
  368. cessation
  369. program
  370. scientifI
  371. smokingI
  372. soakingF
  373. sodiumH
  374. spongeF
  375. system
  376. highly
  377. effective
  378. combination
  379. themE
  380. thisE
  381. trimA
  382. ultraA
  383. ultra-perfectA
  384. unitedA
  385. usingE
  386. verifiedE
  387. wantA
  388. waterD
  389. weightA
  390. whileC
  391. withA
  392. worksF
  393. yourB
  394. natural
  395. ginsengC
  396. combinationA
  397. diureticD
  398. energyE
  399. energy
  400. powerhouseE
  401. ginsengC
  402. herbalD
  403. jointB
  404. naturalC
  405. natural
  406. herbal
  407. diureticD
  408. perfectA
  409. powerhouseE
  410. rejuvenativeB
  411. rejuvenative
  412. joint
  413. therapyB
  414. perfect
  415. combinationA
  416. therapyB
  417. assassinC
  418. chondroitinB
  419. creatineE
  420. creatine
  421. monohydrateE
  422. excessD
  423. excess
  424. water
  425. pillD
  426. fatigueC
  427. fatigue
  428. assassinC
  429. glucosamineB
  430. custbillingLastNameB
  431. custbillingOrganizationB
  432. custbillingPostalCodeB
  433. custbillingStateProvinceB
  434. custCityB
  435. custCountryB
  436. custCustomerIDB
  437. custCustomerNumberB
  438. Customer
  439. A    custEmailB
  440. custFaxB
  441. custFirstNameB
  442. custLastNameB
  443. custOrganizationB
  444. custPasswordB
  445. custPasswordB
  446. wordB
  447. A    custPhoneB
  448. custPostalCodeB
  449. custStateProvinceB
  450. fileAddressB
  451. fileCityB
  452. fileCreditCardsB
  453. !A    fileEmailB
  454. fileFaxB
  455. fileInvDescripB
  456. fileModeB
  457. fileModifiedRegDateB
  458. fileNameB
  459. )A    filePhoneB
  460. fileSerialNumB
  461. /A    fileStateB
  462. fileStaticNumB
  463. Registration
  464. fileTaxRateB
  465. fileTypeB
  466. fileUpdateCreditB
  467. [inline:database="    
  468. ", layout="Orders", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), "ordAccountNumber"=(form_param:"ordAccountNumber"), "ordMethod"=(form_param:"ordMethod"), "ordExpirationDate"=(form_param:"ordExpirationDate"), ClientUserName="
  469. ", ClientPassword="
  470. ", update] [/inline]
  471. assword=""" & 
  472.  & """, update]
  473. [/inline]")
  474.     Utilities
  475. 11/9/99
  479. fileURLB
  480. fileZipB
  481. itmManufacturerB
  482. itmOrderIDB
  483. itmPriceCalcB
  484. itmProductIDB
  485. itmProductNameB
  486. itmQuantityB
  487. itmShipB
  488. itmTotalPriceCalcB
  489. ordAccountNumberB
  490. ordCustomerNumberB
  491. ordExpirationDateB
  492. HA    ordMethodB
  493. shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)]
  494.  [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight']
  495.     [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)]
  496.  [/if]
  497. Smoking
  498. Habit%Smoking
  499. MasterCardg
  500. 11/2/99p
  501. Registrationt
  502. Preferences
  503. 9/6/99
  504. 32899
  505. Registration
  506. Version 2.6.7r5
  507. 1818542393
  508. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  509. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibilityoitinB
  510. creatineE
  511. creatine
  512. monohydrateE
  513. excessD
  514. excess
  515. water
  516. pillD
  517. fatigueC
  518. fatigue
  519. assassinC
  520. glucosamineB
  521. ordOrderDateB
  522. ordOrderIDB
  523. ordOrderTotalCalcB
  524. ordShippingCalcB
  525. Minimum
  526. Consolidated
  527. MA    ordStatusB
  528. ordStateTaxCalcB
  529. prodAddHandleB
  530. 4 = "Yes"
  531. ~) * 
  532. prodAddHandleB
  533. prodCategoryB
  534. prodDescriptionB
  535. prodDiscPriceCalcB
  536. prodDiscRateB
  537. TA    prodGirthB
  538. prodHazardousB
  539. prodHeightB
  540. prodIDB
  541. X-You must create a unique ID for this product.
  542. XA    prodLabelB
  543. prodLengthB
  544. prodManufacturerB
  545. prodLengthB
  546. prodManufacturerB
  547. creatinesm.jpg
  548. 24.50
  549. Registration
  550. Version 2.6.7b2
  551. Version 2.6.7r5
  552. 1818542393
  553. Scientific research ...
  554. Size: Small, Large
  555. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  556. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility
  557.  expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  558. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  559. An example that is common to t
  560. prodNameB
  561. prodOversizeB
  562. prodPicturePathB
  563. ^A    prodPriceB
  564. prodReleasedB
  565. prodShippingCostB
  566. prodSpecialB
  567. prodTaxableB
  568. prodUPCB
  569. prodUsesB
  570. prodWeightB
  571. gA    prodWidthB
  572. fileMerchantIDB
  573. prodPictureB
  574. fileTBDateB
  575. mTBDateB
  576. fileExpB
  577. fileYesterdayB
  578. fileImportFieldB
  579. Registration
  580. prodPictOrPathB
  581. path2
  582. ordOrderTotalATSB
  583. ordExpBrowseDateB
  584. closed
  585. Order
  586. ordShippedB
  587. fileVersionB
  588. Version 2.6.7r5
  589. fileUpdateName3B
  590. [var_set:'dtb'="    
  591. closed
  592. Order
  593. ordShippedB
  594. fileVersionB
  595. "Version 2.6.7"
  596. Version 2.6.7
  597. fileUpdateName3B
  598. A&"[var_set:'dtb'=""" & 
  599. ) & """]"
  600. [var_set:'dtb'="    
  601. fileUserNameB
  602. fileUserPasswordB
  603. A    fileAdminB
  604. [if:(form_param:'userName' == '
  605. !') && (form_param:'password' == '
  606. ')]     [cookie_set:'dbName' = '
  607. #', path='/']     [var_set:'dbName' = '
  608. ']     [include:'index.lasso'] [else]                 <P>One or more of the parameters you have entered is incorrect.  Please try again or consult your store host.</P>     [include:'default.html'] [/if]
  609. fileCartResult3B
  610. _param:'userName' == '
  611. !') && (form_param:'password' == '
  612. ')]     [cookie_set:'dbName' = '
  613. #', path='/']     [var_set:'dbName' = '
  614. ']     [include:'index.lasso'] [else]                 <P>One or more of the parameters you have entered is incorrect.  Please try again or consult your store host.</P>     [include:'default.html'] [/if]
  615. fileCartResult3B
  616. shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)]
  617.  [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight']
  618.     [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)]
  619.  [/if]
  620. 6ctice of traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, which is thousands of years old and has been proven throughout history to be a unique system based upon the use of healing, strengthening and health stimulating herbs.
  621. X'Nature's Ultimate Sexual Health Product
  622. Top Gun3
  623. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  624. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility is common to t
  625.   "LIVE"
  626.     "Enabled"
  627. EnabledK$
  628.     "Leading"
  629. LeadingL"
  630. "Global"
  631. GlobalMj
  632. m = "E"    
  633.  = "Y"
  634. ) = 0    
  635. versionA
  636. version
  637. 2.6.7r3A
  638. version
  639. 2.6.7r4A
  640. version
  641. 2.6.7r5A
  642. 7-dayI
  643. beatB
  644. fatigueC
  645. foodH
  646. perfect
  647. fromD
  648. healtG
  649. beatB
  650. lessenC
  651. lessen
  652. fatigue
  653. likeF
  654. perfectH
  655. reliefD
  656. relief
  657. water
  658. researchE
  659. scientificE
  660. scientific
  661. researchE
  662. sexualG
  663. smokersI
  664. smokers
  665. relief
  666. 7-dayI
  667. spongeF
  668. ultra-perfect
  669. sexual
  670. healtG
  671. ultra-perfectA
  672. wantB
  673. waterD
  674. worksF
  675. works
  676. spongeF
  677. smoking
  678. habitI
  679. habit
  680. smokingI
  681. smokingI
  682. ((form_param:'prodAttrib7', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib8', loopcount) !='')]
  683. [variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), ' - ')]
  684. 0[if:((form_param:'prodAttrib1', loopcount)!='')]
  685. [variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib1', loopcount),'/')]
  686. 5[/if][if
  687. :((form_param:'prodAttrib2', loopcount)!='')]
  688. [variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib2', loopcount),'/')][/if]
  689. [if:((form_param:'prodAttrib3', loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib3', loopcount),'/')]
  690. [/if][if:((form_pa
  691. he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight:
  692. [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30]
  693.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95']
  694.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  695.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  696. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  697.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  698.  [els
  699. e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  700.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  701. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  702.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  703.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  704.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  705. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  706.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  707.  [/if]
  708.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  709.      [variable_set:'
  710. :"CurrentRecordNumber", loopcount),  ClientUsername='
  711. ', ClientPassword='
  712. ', update]
  713. '                        [/inline][else][inline:database="
  714. ", layout="www_updateItem", "itmQuantity"=(form_param:"Quantity", loopcount), recid=(form_param:"CurrentRecordNumber", loopcount),  ClientUsername='
  715. ', ClientPassword='
  716. ', update]
  717. P                        [/inline]                     [/if][/if]                 [/loop]             [else:if:token_value == "delete"]
  718.                     [inline:database="
  719. M", layout="www_itemDelete", Recor
  720. dID=(form_param:"recNum"),  ClientUsername='
  721. ', ClientPassword='
  722. 6', delete]                         [include:"cart.lasso"]                     [/inline]
  723.  [else][if:cookie:'custNum'== ""]
  724. [inline:database="
  725. ?", layout="www_newOrder", "fileType"="Order",  ClientUsername='
  726. ', ClientPassword='
  727. ', add]
  728. .[cookie_set:'custNum'=(recid_value), expires='
  729. ', path='/']
  730. 7[var_set:"custNum" = field:"ordOrderID"]                     [/inline]
  731. <!-- [loop:(form_param:'prod', count)][variable_set:(Strin
  732. g_Concatenate:'prod',(loopcount))=(form_param:'prod', EncodeRaw, (loopcount))][/loop] -->
  733. %                    [loop:(form_param:"qty", count)]
  734. W[if:((form_param:"qty", loopcount) != "") && ((form_param:"qty", loopcount) != "Call")]
  735. [inline: database="
  736. ", layout="www_orderedItems", "itmOrderID"=(var:"custNum"), "itmQuantity"=(form_param:"qty", loopcount), "itmProductID"=(form_param:'prod', EncodeRaw, (loopcount)), 'itmProductName'=
  737. O(variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount
  738. ), Raw), ClientUsername='
  739. ', ClientPassword='
  740. ', add]
  741.     [/inline]
  742. [/if]
  743. 8[/loop]                 [else]                     [loop:(form_param:"qty", count)]
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  746. ', layout='www_orderedItems', 'itmOrderID'=(cookie:'custNum'), 'itmQuantity'=(form_param:'qty', loopcount), 'itmProductID'=(form_param:'prod', loopcount), 'itmProductName'=(variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopco
  747. unt),
  748.  EncodeRaw), ClientUsername='
  749. ', ClientPassword='
  750. ', add]
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  754. fileCustomer3B
  755. oopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib5', loopcount),'/')]
  756. [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttrib6'
  757. , loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib6', loopcount),'/')]
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  759. [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttrib8', loopcount)!
  760. shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)]
  761.  [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight']
  762.     [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)]
  763.  [/if]
  764. 10/29/99p
  765. Registrationt
  766. Product
  767. 8/5/99
  768. Works like a 
  769. sponge
  770.  with thousands of microscopic fibers soaking up excess fat and 
  771. binding
  772.  them into undigested mass that the body can eliminate naturally. It is noted that each capsule can absorb up to fifteen (15) times its own weight in undigested fat from your foods.
  773. Fat Absorber
  774. absorbsm.jpg
  775. 39.50
  776. Registration
  777. Version 2.6.7b2
  778. Version 2.6.7r5
  779. 1818542393
  780. Works like a 
  781. sponge...can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  782. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility:'
  783. Address Setup
  784. Internet Setup
  785. About...
  786. Customers - List
  787. Credit Setup
  788. Orders
  789. Ordered Items
  790.     A    Customers
  791. Products - List
  792. ', ClientPassword='
  793. ', update]
  794. [HEADER]
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  797. URI: 
  798. [/HEADER]
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  802. fileCloseUpB
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  804. ", layout="www_orders", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), "ordStatus"="Closed", "ordAuthcode"=(form_param:"authcode"), Clientusername = "
  805. ", ClientPassword="
  806. ", update]
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  808. ", " Invoice - ", "
  809. !", Raw)] [variable_set:"from" = "
  810. "] [variable_set:"host" = "
  811. "] [B.variable_set:"bcc" = "
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  815. ", layout="www_customers",
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  819. ?"custOrganization"=(form_param:"custOrganization", EncodeRaw), 
  820. d"custAddress"=(form_param:"custAddress", EncodeRaw), "custCity"=(form_param:"custCity", EncodeRaw), 
  821. A"custStateProvince"=(f
  822. orm_param:"custStateProvince", EncodeRaw), 
  823. ;"custPostalCode"=(form_param:"custPostalCode", EncodeRaw), 
  824. e"custCountry"=(form_param:"custCountry", EncodeRaw), "custEmail"=(form_param:"custEmail", EncodeRaw),
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  826. 5"custAttrib1"=(form_param:"custAttrib1", EncodeRaw), 
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  828. 5"custAttrib3"=(form_param:"custAttrib3", EncodeRaw), 
  829. G"custbill
  830. ingFirstName"=(form_param:"custbillingFirstName", EncodeRaw), 
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  833. C"custbillingAddress"=(form_param:"custbillingAddress", EncodeRaw), 
  834. ="custbillingCity"=(form_param:"custbillingCity", EncodeRaw), 
  835. O"custbillingStateProvince"=(form_param:"custbillingStateProvince", EncodeRaw), 
  836. I"custbillingPostalCode"=(form_param:"custbillingPostal
  837. 1Code", EncodeRaw), 
  838. S"custbillingCountry"=(form_param:"custbillingCountry", EncodeRaw), ClientUserName="
  839. ", ClientPassword="
  840. >", 'custShippingMethod'=(form_param:'method', EncodeRaw), add]
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  844. 5"custAttrib2"=(form_param:"custAttrib2", EncodeRaw), 
  845. 5"custAttrib3"=(form_param:"custAttrib3", EncodeRaw), 
  846. G"custbi
  847. Name:
  848. d    Category:
  849. Manufacturer:
  850. Label:
  851. j    Released:
  852. Price:
  853. Disc. Percent:
  854. Description:
  855. Uses:
  856. Additional Attributes
  857.     Attrib 1:
  858.     Attrib 5:
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  862. Picture Name:
  863. Products
  864. Delete
  865. Forward
  866. Go Last
  867. Go First
  868. Information
  869. Ext. Price:
  870. Taxable:
  871. Picture:
  872. 6    Attrib 2:
  873. 7    Attrib 3:
  874. 8    Attrib 4:
  875. Product Information
  876. :ct Information
  877. :uct Information
  878. :uct Information
  879. :uct Information
  880. :uct Information
  881. :uct Information
  882. :uct Information
  883. :uct Information
  884. :duct Information
  885. :duct Information
  886. :duct Information
  887. :duct Information
  888. :duct Information
  889. :uct Information
  890. :duct Information
  891. :duct Information
  892. :duct Information
  893. :duct Information
  894. :uct Information
  895. :uct Information
  896. :uct Information
  897. :uct Information
  898. :uct Information
  899. :uct Information
  900. Shipping & Links
  901. @    Special?:
  902.  Sub Category:
  903. Edit...
  904. Edit...
  905. Edit...
  906. Edit...
  907. prodID
  908. prodName
  909. prodCategory
  910. prodSubCategory
  911. prodManufacturer
  912. prodDescription
  913. prodPicturePath
  914. prodUses
  915. prodAttrib1
  916. prodAttrib2
  917. prodAttrib3
  918. prodAttrib4
  919. prodAttrib5
  920. prodAttrib6
  921. prodAttrib7
  922. prodAttrib8
  923. m    prodLabel
  924. prodReleased
  925. o    prodPrice
  926. prodDiscRate
  927. prodUPC
  928. prodSpecial
  929. prodPicture
  930. prodTaxable
  931. prodDiscPrice
  932. Return to Products Layout
  933. 3[var_set:'go'=(form_param:'go')][inline: database="    
  934. ", layout="www_customers",
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  938. 7"custLastName"=(form_param:"custLastName", EncodeRaw), 
  939. ?"custOrganization"=(form_param:"custOrganization", EncodeRaw), 
  940. d"custAddress"=(form_param:"custAddress", EncodeRaw), "custCity"=(form_param:"custCity", EncodeRaw), 
  941. A"custStatePro
  942. vince"=(form_param:"custStateProvince", EncodeRaw), 
  943. ;"custPostalCode"=(form_param:"custPostalCode", EncodeRaw), 
  944. e"custCountry"=(form_param:"custCountry", EncodeRaw), "custEmail"=(form_param:"custEmail", EncodeRaw),
  945. _ "custPhone"=(form_param:"custPhone", EncodeRaw), "custFax"=(form_param:"custFax", EncodeRaw), 
  946. 5"custAttrib1"=(form_param:"custAttrib1", EncodeRaw), 
  947. 5"custAttrib2"=(form_param:"custAttrib2", EncodeRaw), 
  948. 5"custAttrib3"=(form_param:"custAttrib3", EncodeRaw), 
  949. "custbillingFirstName"=(form_param:"custbillingFirstName", EncodeRaw), 
  950. E"custbillingLastName"=(form_param:"custbillingLastName", EncodeRaw), 
  951. M"custbillingOrganization"=(form_param:"custbillingOrganization", EncodeRaw), 
  952. C"custbillingAddress"=(form_param:"custbillingAddress", EncodeRaw), 
  953. ="custbillingCity"=(form_param:"custbillingCity", EncodeRaw), 
  954. O"custbillingStateProvince"=(form_param:"custbillingStateProvince", EncodeRaw), 
  955. I"custbillingPostalCode"=(form_param:"custbill
  956. =ingPostalCode", EncodeRaw), 
  957. S"custbillingCountry"=(form_param:"custbillingCountry", EncodeRaw), ClientUserName="
  958. ", ClientPassword="
  959. A", 'custShippingMethod'=(form_param:'method', EncodeRaw), update]
  960. W[if:(var:'go')!=''] [include:(var:'go')] [else] [include:'customerconfirm.lasso'] [/if]
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  962. fileCustomerCheckoutB
  963. 5"custAttrib2"=(form_param:"custAttrib2", EncodeRaw), 
  964. 5"custAttrib3"=(form_param:"custAttrib3", EncodeRaw), 
  965. [inline:database="
  966. ", layout="www_orderUpdate", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), "ordCustomerNumber"=(form_param:"ordCustomerNumber"), ClientUserName="
  967. ", ClientPassword="
  968. ", update]
  969. =='Custom']
  970. /[variable_set:'quantity'=(field:'ordQuantity')]
  971. 5[variable_set:'shippingSum'=(field:'ordShippingSum')]
  972. 1[variable_set:'orderTotal'=(field:'ordTotalSum')]
  973. /[variable_set:'orderTax'=(field:'ordTaxFinal')]
  974. @[variable_set:'state'=(field:'ordCustomers::custSta
  975. teProvince')]
  976. B[variable_set:'postalCode'=(field:'ordCustomers::custPostalCode')]
  977. <[variable_set:'country'=(field:'ordCustomers::custCountry')]
  978. 7[variable_set:'orderWeight'=(field:'ordProductWeight')]
  979. [else]
  980. 3[variable_set:'shipping'=(field:'ordShippingCalc')]
  981. [/if]
  982. [inline:database='
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  984. /[variable_set:'orderTax'=(field:'ordTaxFinal')]
  985. @[variable_set:'state'=(field:'ordCustomers::custStateProvince')]
  986. B[variable_set:'postalCode'=(field:'ordCustomers::custPostalCode')]
  987. <[variable_set:'country'=(field:'ordCustomers::custCountry')]
  988. 7[variable_set:'orderWeight'=(field:'ordProductWeight')]
  989. [else]
  990. 3[variable_set:'shipping'=(field:'ordShippingCalc')]
  991. [/if]
  992. [inline:database='
  993. ', layout='www_orderShipping', recordid=(recordid_value), 'ordShippingInput
  994. '=(variable: 'shipping'), 'ordShippingMethod'=(variable:'method'), 'ordComment'=(variable:'msg'), ClientUserName='
  995. ', ClientPassword='
  996. ', update]
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  998. p[var_set:'recNum' = (field:'ordOrderID')] [var_set:'custID' = (field:'ordCustomers::custCustomerID')] [/inline]
  999. &[HEADER]
  1000. HTTP/1.0 302 FOUND
  1001. Location: 
  1002. @checkout.lasso?recNum=[var:"recNum"]&custID=[var:'custID']
  1003. URI: 
  1004. Fcheckout.lasso?recNum=[var:"recNum"]&custID=[var:'custID']
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  1006. [else]
  1007. fileEndUserLicB
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  1010. fileEmailHostB
  1011. fileEmailBCCB
  1012. fileWebSiteB
  1013. fileSecuredURLB
  1014. fileConsolidatedShippingB
  1015. fileConsolidatedShippingRateB
  1016. ordAuthCodeB
  1017. [inline:database="    
  1018. ", layout="www_orders", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), "ordAccountNumber"=(form_param:"ordAccountNumber"), "ordMethod"=(form_param:"ordMethod"), "ordExpirationDate"=(form_param:"ordExpirationDate"), ClientUserName="
  1019. ", ClientPassword="
  1020. ", update]
  1021. [variable_set:"emailName" = (field:"ordCustomers::custEmail")] [variable_set:"searchNum" = (field:"ordOrderID")] [variable_set:"subject" = (string_concatenate:"
  1022. ", " Invoice - ", "
  1023. !", Raw)] [variable_set:"from" = "
  1024. "] [variable_set:"host" = "
  1025. "] [variable_set:"bcc" = "
  1026. `"] [variable_set:"stat" = (field:"ordAcctValidation")] [variable_set:"url" = (field:"fileURL")] 
  1027.     [/inline]
  1028. [if:var:"stat"!="Invalid"]
  1029. [if:(form_param:'go')!=''][include:(form_param:'go')][else][include:"thanks.lasso"][/if] [else] [if:(form_param:'errortrap')!=''][include:(form_param:'errortrap')][else][include:"nothanks.lasso"][/if] [/if]
  1030. shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)]
  1031.  [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight']
  1032.     [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)]
  1033.  [/if]
  1034. 10/29/99p
  1035. Registrationt
  1036. Product
  1037. 8/5/99
  1038. Health
  1039. ?Top Gun sexual health formula is based on the most advanced bio-medical technologies combined with the practice of traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine, which is thousands of years old and has been proven throughout history to be a unique system based upon the use of healing, strengthening and health stimulating herbs.
  1040. X'Nature's Ultimate Sexual Health Product
  1041. Top Gunhe API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  1042. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  1043. An example that is common to t
  1044. Invalid
  1045. Valid
  1046. Invalid22
  1047. fileSwitchLayB
  1048. ordAcctNumCleanUpB
  1049. ordAcctLengthB
  1050. ordAcctValidationB
  1051. Invalid
  1052. shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)]
  1053.  [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight']
  1054.     [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)]
  1055.  [/if]
  1056. Customer
  1057. t:'shipping' = '4.95']
  1058.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  1059.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  1060. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  1061.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  1062.  [els
  1063. e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  1064.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  1065. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  1066.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  1067.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  1068.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  1069. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  1070.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  1071.  [/if]
  1072.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  1073.      [variable_set:'
  1074. tionB
  1075. Invalid222
  1076. fileConvertURLB
  1077. fileLengthofURLB
  1078. fileConvertDatabaseB
  1079. fileConvertStoreNameB
  1080. fileLengthofStoreB
  1081. prodDescriptionTruncB
  1082. taxRateB
  1083. taxShippingB
  1084. taxStateB
  1085. ordCustomerStateB
  1086. prodAttrib1B
  1087. prodAttrib2B
  1088. prodAttrib3B
  1089. prodAttrib4B
  1090. prodAttrib5B
  1091. prodAttrib6B
  1092. prodAttrib7B
  1093. prodAttrib8B
  1094. prodVerticalIDB
  1095. prodLinkIDB
  1096. prodDescriptionRelB
  1097. prodAttrib1RelB
  1098. prodAttrib2RelB
  1099. prodAttrib3RelB
  1100. prodAttrib4RelB
  1101. prodAttrib5RelB
  1102. prodAttrib6RelB
  1103. prodAttrib7RelB
  1104. prodAttrib8RelB
  1105. prodUsesRelB
  1106. prodUPCRelB
  1107. prodSpecialRelB
  1108. prodReleasedRelB
  1109. prodPicturePathRelB
  1110. prodPictureRelB
  1111. prodPictOrPathRelB
  1112. prodNameRelB
  1113. prodManufacturerRelB
  1114. prodLabelRelB
  1115. gA    prodIDRelB
  1116. X-You must create a unique ID for this product.
  1117. prodDiscPriceRelB
  1118. prodCategoryRelB
  1119. fileCurrencySymbolB
  1120. itmPriceB
  1121. PriceB
  1122. mPriceB
  1123. PriceB
  1124. PriceB
  1125. PriceB
  1126. PriceB
  1127. PriceB
  1128. PriceB
  1129. PriceB
  1130. PriceB
  1131. Address Setup
  1132. Internet Setup
  1133. About...
  1134. Customers - List
  1135. Credit Setup
  1136. Orders
  1137. Ordered Items
  1138.     A    Customers
  1139. Products - List
  1140. Weight:S
  1141. Height:U
  1142. Width:W
  1143. Girth:Y
  1144. Additional Handling:[    Oversize:]
  1145. Length:_
  1146. Hazardous Materials:`
  1147. Fixed Shipping Cost:b
  1148. Shipping Informationc
  1149. Productsd
  1150. Findf
  1151. Deleteg
  1152. Backh
  1153. Forwardi
  1154. Go Lastj
  1155. Go First
  1156. Information
  1157. Shipping & Links
  1158. Product Namer
  1159. Product IDs
  1160. Deletet
  1161. prodWeighty
  1162. prodHeightz    prodWidth{
  1163. prodLength|    prodGirth}
  1164. prodAddHandle~
  1165. prodOversize
  1166. prodHazardous
  1167. prodShippingCost
  1168. prodVertical: :prodVerticalID
  1169. prodVertical: :prodNameRel
  1170. Return to Products
  1171. Leading
  1172. Enabled
  1173. Enabled
  1174. itmTotalPriceB
  1175. Customers - Web FieldsB
  1176. Leading
  1177. Enabled
  1178. Enabled
  1179. ordShippingInputB
  1180. ordTaxB
  1181. he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight:
  1182. [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30]
  1183.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95']
  1184.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  1185.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  1186. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  1187.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  1188.  [els
  1189. e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  1190.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  1191. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  1192.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  1193.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  1194.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  1195. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  1196.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  1197.  [/if]
  1198.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  1199.      [variable_set:'
  1200. Address Setup
  1201. Internet Setup
  1202. About...
  1203. Customers - List
  1204. Leading
  1205. Enabled
  1206. Enabled
  1207. prodDiscPriceB
  1208. ordShippingSumB
  1209. ordTotalSumB
  1210. ordQuantityB
  1211. custShippingMethodB
  1212. ordProductWeightB
  1213. A    itmWeightB
  1214. prodProductCountB
  1215. prodVerticalCountB
  1216. fileShippingRuleB
  1217. fileShippingHelpB
  1218. hippingHelpB
  1219. ShippingHelpB
  1220. hippingHelpB
  1221. ippingHelpB
  1222. ippingHelpB
  1223. ippingHelpB
  1224. HelpB
  1225. fileCookieLifeB
  1226. fileSherlockB
  1227. prodSubCategoryB
  1228. prodSubCategoryRelB
  1229. fileSherlockDataB
  1230.  1999 Imacination Software
  1231. # Imacination Software - Ch-ching! store search
  1232. <search
  1233.     name=""" & 
  1234. ( & " Store Search""
  1235.     method=post
  1236.     action=""" & 
  1237. 6 & "includes/sherlocklist.lasso""
  1238.     description=""Search the " & 
  1239. ( &" store.""
  1240.     bannerImage=""" & 
  1241.  &"""
  1242.     bannerLink=""" & 
  1243.  &"""
  1244.     update=""" & 
  1245. 6 &"sherlock/imacSearch.src.hqx""
  1246. <input name=""-database"" value=""" & 
  1247. ) & """>
  1248. "<input name=""-layout"" value=""www_sherlock"">
  1249. <input name=""-ck"">
  1250. <input name=""-
  1251. natural
  1252. ginsengC
  1253. combinationA
  1254. diureticD
  1255. energyE
  1256. energy
  1257. powerhouseE
  1258. formulaH
  1259. ginsengC
  1260. healthG
  1261. herbalD
  1262. jointB
  1263. multi-vitamin/mineraH
  1264. naturalC
  1265. natural
  1266. herbal
  1267. diureticD
  1268. nature'sG
  1269. nature's
  1270. perfect
  1271. multi-vitamin/minera
  1272. formulaH
  1273. nature's
  1274. ultimate
  1275. sexual
  1276. health
  1277. productG
  1278. perfectA
  1279. powerhouseE
  1280. productG
  1281. quitI
  1282. smokingI
  1283. rejuvenativeB
  1284. rejuvenative
  1285. joint
  1286. therapyB
  1287. sexualG
  1288. smokingI
  1289. perfect
  1290. combinationA
  1291. therapyB
  1292. ultimateG
  1293. absorberF
  1294. assassinC
  1295. chondroitinB
  1296. creatineE
  1297. creatine
  1298. monohydrateE
  1299. excessD
  1300. excess
  1301. water
  1302. pillD
  1303. absorberF
  1304. fatigueC
  1305. fatigue
  1306. assassinC
  1307. foodH
  1308. perfectH
  1309. glucosamineB
  1310. le:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  1311.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  1312. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  1313.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  1314.  [/if]
  1315.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  1316.      [variable_set:'
  1317. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  1318. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility
  1319. and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  1320. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibilityord 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  1321. An example that is common to t
  1322. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.
  1323. \  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.
  1324. Y  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  1325. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from an
  1326. y responsibility for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts.
  1327. ?The following Variables are available to your script for use:
  1328. [method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names.
  1329. Aquantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  1330. OshippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  1331. ?orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  1332. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  1333. #state - Customer's shipping state.
  1334. .postalCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  1335. 'country - Customer's shipping country.
  1336. RorderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  1337. tThe API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  1338. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' a
  1339. nd 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  1340. An example that is common to the mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight:
  1341. [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30]
  1342.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95']
  1343.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  1344.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  1345. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) 
  1346. && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  1347.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  1348.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  1349.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  1350. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  1351.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  1352.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  1353.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  1354. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  1355.      [variable_set:'
  1356. shipping' = '14.95']
  1357.  [/if]
  1358.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  1359.      [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)]
  1360.  [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight']
  1361. H    [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)]
  1362.  [/if]
  1363.  1999 Imacination Software
  1364.  # Imacination Software - Ch-ching! store search
  1365.  <search
  1366.      name="
  1367. ' Store Search"
  1368.      method=post
  1369.      action="
  1370. 7includes/sherlocklist.lasso"
  1371.      description="Search the 
  1372.  store."
  1373.      bannerImage="
  1374.      bannerLink="
  1375.      update="
  1376. Dsherlock/imacSearch.src.hqx"
  1377.  <input name="-database" value="
  1378. <input name="-layout" value="www_sherlock">
  1379.  <input name="-maxRecords" value="10">
  1380.  <input name="-sortfield" value="p
  1381. rodName">
  1382.  <input name="-sortOrder" value="ascending">
  1383.  <input name="fileType" value="Product">
  1384. <input name="-logicalop" value="and">
  1385.  <input name="-noresultserror" value="/store/search.lasso">
  1386.  <input name="-opbegin" value="or">
  1387.  <input name="-op" value="cn">
  1388.  <INPUT NAME="prodDescription" user>
  1389.  <input name="-op" value="cn">
  1390. `<INPUT NAME="prodName" user>
  1391.  <input name="-opend" value="or">
  1392.  <input name="-search" value="">
  1393. f<interpret
  1394.      resultListStart="<!-- dl -->"
  1395.      resultLi
  1396. CastEnd="<!-- end dl -->"
  1397.      resultItemStart="<dd>"
  1398.      resultItemEnd="</dd>"
  1399.     </search>
  1400. fileSherlockBannerImageB
  1401. fileSherlockBannerURLB
  1402. custAttrib1B
  1403. custAttrib2B
  1404. custAttrib3B
  1405. prodDiscPriceCalcIIB
  1406. ordShippingMethodB
  1407. fileCountryB
  1408. fileManufacturerListB
  1409. p" value="cn">
  1410. `<INPUT NAME="prodName" user>
  1411.  <input name="-opend" value="or">
  1412.  <input name="-search" value="">
  1413. f<interpret
  1414.      resultListStart="<!-- dl -->"
  1415.      resultListE
  1416. fileCategoryListB
  1417. fileSubCategoryListB
  1418. itmTotalPriceTaxCalcB
  1419. ordShippingB
  1420.  2 ) )
  1421.  3 ) & 
  1422.  2 ) - 
  1423.  2 ) ) + 
  1424. custCustomerNumberImportB
  1425. prodAttrib1IndexB
  1426. prodAttrib2IndexB
  1427. prodAttrib3IndexB
  1428. prodAttrib4IndexB
  1429. fileExpirationB
  1430.  Days Left
  1431. Expired2
  1432. ordCommentB
  1433. A fileConsolidateShippingRateIndexB
  1434. prodSubCatIndexB
  1435. fileDecimalSepB
  1436. fileThousSepB
  1437. A    fileDecOnB
  1438. A    fileDecOnB
  1439. A    fileDecOnB
  1440. fileCurrencyPositionB
  1441. prodPriceRelB
  1442. ordStateTaxB
  1443. Leading
  1444. Enabled
  1445. Enabled
  1446. ordCustomerCountryB
  1447. ordCountryTaxCalcB
  1448. l subs
  1449.  this License.  Upon termination you must destroy the Software, related documentation fonts and all copies thereof.
  1450. 4.  Export Law Assurances.  You agree and certify that neither the Software or any other technical data received from IMACINATION, nor the direct product thereof, will be exported outside the United States except as authorized and as permitted by the laws and regulations of the United States.  If the Software has been rightfully obtained by you outside of the United States,
  1451.  you agree that you will not re-export the Software nor any other technical data received from IMACINATION, or the direct product thereof, except as permitted by the laws and regulations of the United States and the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which you obtained the Software.
  1452. 5.  Government End Users.  If the Software is supplied to the United States Government, the Software is classified as "restricted computer software" as defined in clause 52.227-19 of the FAR.  The Un
  1453. ited States Government's rights to the Software are as provided in clause 52.227-19 of the FAR.
  1454. 6.  Disclaimer of Warranty on Software.  You expressly acknowledge and agree that the use of the Software and fonts is at your sole risk.  The Software, related documentation and fonts are provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind and IMACINATION and IMACINATION's Licensor(s) (for the purposes of provisions 5 and 6, IMACINATION and IMACINATION's Licensor(s) shall be collectively referr
  1462. In no event shall IMACINATION's total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you for the Software, fonts and documentation.
  1463. 8.  Controlling Law and Severability.  This License shall be governed by the and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and the State of California, as applied to agreements enter
  1464. ed into and performed entirely within California between California residents.  If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this License, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision of the License shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this License shall continue in full force and effect.
  1465. 9. Complete Agreement.  This License constitutes the entire agreement between the 
  1466. ation.
  1467. ry, if any ("IMACINATION"). You own the disk on which the Software and fonts are recorded but IMACINATION and/or IMACINATION's Licensor(s) retain title to the Software, related documentation and fonts.  This License allows you to use the Software and fonts on a single computer and make one copy of the Software and fonts in machine readable form for backup purposes only. You must reproduce on such copy the IMACINATION copyright notice and any other proprietary legends that were on the orig
  1468. inal copy of the Software and fonts. You may use the Software in a networked environment so long as each computer in such environment is the subject of a license for the Software; however, you may not electronically transmit the Software from one computer to another over a network.  You may also transfer all your license rights in the Software and fonts, backup copy of the Software and fonts, the related documentation and a copy of this License to another party, provided the other party r
  1469. Address SetupD
  1470. Internet SetupE
  1471. About...F
  1472. Customers - ListG
  1473. Credit SetupH
  1474. OrdersI    CustomersJ
  1475. ProductsK
  1476. Products - ListL
  1477. Ordered ItemsN
  1478. ordExpBrowseDate
  1479. www_categoriesB
  1480. www_productsItems
  1481. www_customersList
  1482. www_productsList
  1483. www_sherlock
  1484. www_verticalSearch
  1485. www_mainSpecials
  1486. www_customers
  1487. Products - Shipping
  1488. Shipping Rule
  1489. Shipping Rule - Help
  1490. Expanded Description
  1491. Expanded Usage
  1492. www_sherlockData
  1493. www_shippingDetail
  1494. www_orderShipping
  1495. www_orderedItems
  1496. www_itemDelete
  1497. www_cart
  1498. www_shippingRule
  1499. www_prodLink
  1500. www_orders
  1501. About... - Preregistered
  1502. Attrib 1 Edit
  1503. Attrib 2 Edit
  1504. Attrib 3 Edit
  1505. Attrib 4 Edit
  1506. www_tax
  1507. Edit Shipping Rate
  1508. www_attribs
  1509. Address Setup - Registered
  1510. www_addressSetup
  1511. www_internetSetup
  1512. www_about...
  1513. www_products
  1514. www_searchB
  1515. excess@
  1516. ingredients@
  1517. retention@
  1518. states@
  1519. glucosamine
  1520. chondroitin
  1521. sulfate@
  1522. version@
  1523. perfect
  1524. perfect
  1525. degenerative@
  1526. formula@
  1527. help@
  1528. including@
  1529. mass@
  1530. microscopic@
  1531. most@
  1532. nutrients@
  1533. over@
  1534. perfect@
  1535. powders@
  1536. ders@
  1537. ders@
  1538. ders@
  1539. owders@
  1540. wders@
  1541. opular@
  1542. opular@
  1543. popular@
  1544. production@
  1545. dipped
  1546. double
  1547. wicked
  1548. hanging
  1549. tapers
  1550. unscen@
  1551. excess@
  1552. magnolia
  1553. heavily
  1554. scented
  1555. fashioned
  1556. poured
  1557. votive
  1558. pair@
  1559. perfect@
  1560. relief@
  1561. scented@
  1562. ultra@
  1563. version@
  1564. version
  1565. 2.6.7b3@
  1566. from@
  1567. these@
  1568. www_neworderB
  1569. Address SetupK
  1570. Internet SetupL
  1571. About...M
  1572. Customers - ListN
  1573. Credit SetupO
  1574. OrdersP    CustomersQ
  1575. ProductsR
  1576. Products - ListS
  1577. Ordered Items
  1578. www_detailB
  1579. Address Setup
  1580. Internet SetupG
  1581. About...H
  1582. Customers - ListI
  1583. Credit SetupJ
  1584. OrdersK    CustomersL
  1585. ProductsM
  1586. Products - ListN
  1587. Ordered Items
  1588. www_updateItemB
  1589. Address SetupP
  1590. Internet SetupQ
  1591. About...R
  1592. Customers - ListS
  1593. Credit SetupT
  1594. OrdersU    CustomersV
  1595. ProductsW
  1596. Products - ListX
  1597. Ordered Items
  1598. Address SetupP
  1599. Internet SetupQ
  1600. About...R
  1601. Customers - ListS
  1602. Credit SetupT
  1603. OrdersU    CustomersV
  1604. ProductsW
  1605. Products - ListX
  1606. Ordered Items
  1607. www_specialsB
  1608. Address SetupE
  1609. Internet SetupF
  1610. About...G
  1611. Customers - ListH
  1612. Credit SetupI
  1613. OrdersJ    CustomersK
  1614. ProductsL
  1615. Products - ListM
  1616. Ordered Items
  1617. Address SetupE
  1618. Internet SetupF
  1619. About...G
  1620. Customers - ListH
  1621. Credit SetupI
  1622. OrdersJ    CustomersK
  1623. ProductsL
  1624. Products - ListM
  1625. Ordered Items
  1626. www_checkoutB
  1627.  lbs.
  1628. www_deleteDateB
  1629. www_orderListB
  1630. CartOK3B
  1631. Address SetupN
  1632. Internet SetupO
  1633. About...P
  1634. Customers - ListQ
  1635. Credit SetupR
  1636. OrdersS    CustomersT
  1637. ProductsU
  1638. Products - ListV
  1639. Ordered Items
  1640. www_mailingLabelsB
  1641. Address SetupH
  1642. Internet SetupI
  1643. About...J
  1644. Customers - ListK
  1645. Credit SetupL
  1646. OrdersM    CustomersN
  1647. ProductsO
  1648. Products - ListP
  1649. Ordered Items
  1650. www_shippedB
  1651. Address SetupN
  1652. Internet SetupO
  1653. About...P
  1654. Customers - List
  1655. Credit SetupR
  1656. OrdersS    CustomersT
  1657. ProductsU
  1658. Products - ListV
  1659. Ordered Items
  1660. +A    www_adminB
  1661. Address Setup
  1662. Internet SetupF
  1663. About...G
  1664. Customers - ListH
  1665. Credit SetupI
  1666. OrdersJ    CustomersK
  1667. ProductsL
  1668. Products - ListM
  1669. Ordered Items
  1670. www_addCustomerB
  1671. Address SetupD
  1672. Internet SetupE
  1673. About...F
  1674. Customers - ListG
  1675. Credit SetupH
  1676. OrdersI    CustomersJ
  1677. ProductsK
  1678. Products - ListL
  1679. Ordered Items
  1680. www_updateCustomerB
  1681. Address SetupD
  1682. Internet SetupE
  1683. About...F
  1684. Customers - ListG
  1685. Credit SetupH
  1686. OrdersI    CustomersJ
  1687. ProductsK
  1688. Products - ListL
  1689. Ordered Items
  1690. www_custCheckoutB
  1691. Address SetupD
  1692. Internet SetupE
  1693. About...F
  1694. Customers - ListG
  1695. Credit SetupH
  1696. OrdersI    CustomersJ
  1697. ProductsK
  1698. Products - ListL
  1699. Ordered Items
  1700. www_closeupB
  1701. Address SetupD
  1702. Internet SetupE
  1703. About...F
  1704. Customers - ListG
  1705. Credit SetupH
  1706. OrdersI    CustomersJ
  1707. ProductsK
  1708. Products - ListL
  1709. Ordered Items
  1710. www_updateCreditB
  1711. Address SetupE
  1712. Internet SetupF
  1713. About...G
  1714. Customers - ListH
  1715. Credit SetupI
  1716. OrdersJ    CustomersK
  1717. ProductsL
  1718. Products - ListM
  1719. Ordered Items
  1720. OrdersB
  1721. Address SetupD
  1722. Internet SetupE
  1723. About...F
  1724. Customers - ListG
  1725. Credit SetupH
  1726. OrdersI    CustomersJ
  1727. ProductsK
  1728. Products - ListL
  1729. Ordered Items
  1730. 7A    CustomersB
  1731. About...
  1732. Customers - List
  1733. Credit Setup
  1734. Orders
  1735. Ordered Items
  1736. Products
  1737. Products - List
  1738. Customer #:
  1739. Customer ID:
  1740. e    Password:er ID:
  1741. e    Password:er ID:
  1742. e    Password:er ID:
  1743. e    Password:
  1744. Address Setup
  1745. Internet Setup
  1746. About...
  1747. Customers - List
  1748. Credit Setup
  1749. About...
  1750. Customers - List
  1751. Credit Setup
  1752. Products
  1753. Ordered Items
  1754. 6A    Customers
  1755. Products - List
  1756. Product Name
  1757. Manufacturer
  1758. Price
  1759. Total
  1760. Acct #:
  1761. Organization
  1762. Address
  1763. Customer Information
  1764.  Name
  1765.  Organization
  1766.  Address
  1767.  Country
  1768.  Email
  1769.  Phone
  1770.     Customers
  1771. Delete
  1772. Forward
  1773. Go Last
  1774. Go First
  1775.  Name
  1776.  Organization
  1777.  Address
  1778.  Country
  1779. Billing Information
  1780. B     Attrib 1
  1781. Additional Attributes
  1782. G     Attrib 2
  1783. H     Attrib 3
  1784. custName
  1785. custOrganization
  1786. custAddress
  1787. custCountry
  1788. N    custEmail
  1789. O    custPhone
  1790. custFax
  1791. custbillingName
  1792. custbillingOrganization
  1793. custbillingAddress
  1794. custbillingCountry
  1795. custAttrib1
  1796. custAttrib2
  1797. custAttrib3
  1798. custCity
  1799. custStateProvince
  1800. custPostalCode
  1801. custbillingCity
  1802. custbillingStateProvince
  1803. custbillingPostalCode
  1804. custCustomerNumber
  1805. custCustomerID
  1806. custPassword
  1807. Return to Customers
  1808. Organization
  1809. Address
  1810. Email
  1811. Customer #:
  1812. f    Order ID:
  1813. Date:
  1814. j    Cust. ID:
  1815. Order Total:
  1816. Status:
  1817. Type:
  1818. Shipping & Handling:
  1819. t    Exp Date:
  1820. Shipped:
  1821. Sold To:
  1822. Bill To:
  1823. Orders
  1824. Delete
  1825. Forward
  1826. Go Last
  1827. Go First
  1828. Authorization Code:
  1829. Comment:
  1830. View Web Field Labels
  1831. Address Setup
  1832. Internet Setup
  1833. Leading
  1834. Enabled
  1835. Enabled
  1836. taxApplicationB
  1837. Enabled
  1838. Enabled
  1839. TemplateB
  1840. Address Setup
  1841. Internet Setup
  1842. Address Setup
  1843. Internet Setup
  1844. About...
  1845. Customers - List
  1846. Credit Setup
  1847. Orders
  1848. Ordered Items
  1849. Products
  1850. Products - List
  1851. Customer #:
  1852. Customer ID:
  1853. e    Password:
  1854. Customer Information
  1855.  Name
  1856.  Organization
  1857.  Address
  1858.  Country
  1859.  Email
  1860.  Phone
  1861.     Customers
  1862. Delete
  1863. Forward
  1864. Go Last
  1865. Go First
  1866.  Name
  1867.  Organization
  1868.  Address
  1869.  Country
  1870. Billing Information
  1871. B     Attrib 1
  1872. Additional Attributes
  1873. G     Attrib 2
  1874. H     Attrib 3
  1875. View Web Field Labels
  1876. ProductsB
  1877. Standard Letter
  1878. Your Own
  1879. Miscellaneous
  1880. Standard Letter
  1881. Miscellaneous
  1882. Main Menu
  1883. Your Own
  1884. About...B
  1885.  lbs.
  1886. Address Setup
  1887. Internet Setup
  1888. About...
  1889. Customers - List
  1890. Credit Setup
  1891. Orders
  1892. Ordered Items
  1893.     A    Customers
  1894. Products - List
  1895. Name:
  1896. d    Category:
  1897. Manufacturer:
  1898. Label:
  1899. j    Released:
  1900. Price:
  1901. Disc. Percent:
  1902. Description:
  1903. Uses:
  1904. Import Picture
  1905. Additional Attributes
  1906.     Attrib 1:
  1907.     Attrib 5:
  1908.     Attrib 6:
  1909.         Attrib 7:
  1910.     Attrib 8:
  1911. Picture Name:
  1912. Products
  1913. Delete
  1914. Forward
  1915. Go Last
  1916. Go First
  1917. Information
  1918. Ext. Price:
  1919. Taxable:
  1920. Picture:
  1921. 6    Attrib 2:
  1922. 7    Attrib 3:
  1923. 8    Attrib 4:
  1924. Product Information
  1925. Shipping & Links
  1926. @    Special?:
  1927.  Sub Category:
  1928. Expand
  1929. Expand
  1930. Edit...
  1931. Edit...
  1932. Edit...
  1933. Edit...
  1934. View Web Field Labels
  1935. Address SetupB
  1936. A    Customers
  1937. Orders
  1938. Products - List
  1939. Ordered Items
  1940. Products
  1941. Internet Setup
  1942. Address Setup
  1943. Credit Setup
  1944. Customers - List
  1945. Imacination Software
  1946. 1937 Goodyear Ave. #707
  1947. Ventura, CA 93003
  1948. Phone:  1-800-244-5332
  1949. http://www.imacination.com
  1950. support@imacination.com
  1951. Office Hours: 9am - 5pm 
  1952. Pacific Standard Time
  1953. Monday - Friday
  1954. For Technical Support please email support@imacination.com for a response within one business day.U
  1955. WARNING:  This solution contains password(s) which can only be provided by Imacination Software.  This application file is not customizable, contact Imacination Software for information on customizing this solution.Y
  1956. About...`
  1957. Registered To:a
  1958. Activation Key:b
  1959. Mode:c
  1960. Registerf!Click To Connect To Our Web Site.iPCopyright 1998 - 1999 Imacination
  1961. Ch-Ching! - The Instant Internet Store Builder
  1962. Credit SetupB
  1963. A    CustomersB
  1964. Orders
  1965. Products - List
  1966. Orders - Web FieldsB
  1967. Ordered ItemsE
  1968. ProductsG
  1969. Internet Setup
  1970. Customers - List
  1971. Credit Setup
  1972. About...
  1973. Company Name
  1974. Company Address
  1975. State
  1976. Postal Code`
  1977. Your Company Address
  1978. Phone Number
  1979. Address Setup
  1980. Method 
  1981. Shipping Rate
  1982. Currency Symbol: 
  1983. Localization
  1984. Set Custom Shipping Script
  1985. Customer Cart Life:
  1986. Cart Settings
  1987. Fax Number
  1988. Country
  1989. Edit...
  1990. Decimal Separator:
  1991. Thousands Separator:
  1992. www_PostProcessB
  1993. A    Customers
  1994. Orders
  1995. Products - List
  1996. Ordered Items
  1997. Products
  1998. Internet Setup
  1999. Customers - List
  2000. Address Setup
  2001. About...
  2002. Tax Rate - Enter the tax rate that should be used for calculating invoice totals.  Values should be entered as a decimal such as .0825.  Select the state that your sales tax is applicable to.
  2003. Tax Info}
  2004. Invoice Description~
  2005. Description
  2006. Accepted Payment Methods
  2007. BAwInvoice Description - Enter a short, generic description that you would like to appear on your credit card order slips.
  2008. Merchant ID
  2009. FAgMerchant ID - Enter your credit card merchant id number as assigned to you by your credit card service.
  2010. GALAccepted Payment Methods - Check the box of each credit card you can accept.
  2011. Credit Setup
  2012. M    Set Taxes
  2013. EndUserLicLayoutB
  2014. End User LicenseB
  2015. Address SetupD
  2016. Internet SetupE
  2017. About...F
  2018. Customers - ListG
  2019. Credit SetupH
  2020. OrdersI    CustomersJ
  2021. ProductsK
  2022. Products - ListL
  2023. Ordered Items
  2024. Internet SetupB
  2025. A    Customers
  2026. Orders
  2027. Products - List
  2028. Ordered Items
  2029. Products
  2030. Internet Setup
  2031. Customers - List
  2032. Address Setup
  2033. Credit Setup
  2034. End User License
  2035. T=Ok, I AGREE to abide by the End User License in its entirety U
  2037. About...
  2038. RegistrationB
  2039. A    CustomersB
  2040. OrdersC
  2041. Products - ListD
  2042. Ordered ItemsE
  2043. Products
  2044. Internet Setup
  2045.  for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts.
  2046. The following Variables are available to your script for use:
  2047. method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names.
  2048. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  2049. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  2050. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  2051. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  2052. state - Customer's shipping state.
  2053. posta
  2054. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  2055. country - Customer's shipping country.
  2056. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  2057. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  2058. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  2059. An example that is common to t
  2060. Customers - List
  2061. Address Setup
  2062. Credit Setup
  2063. About...
  2064. Email Address
  2065. Email BCC Address
  2066. Mail Server Address
  2067. Store Site Address
  2068. Web Site Address
  2069. SSL URLv
  2070. Internet Preferencesw
  2071. Internet Setup
  2072. Remote Username
  2073. Remote Password
  2074. Remote Administration
  2075. Sherlock Writer
  2076. Banner Image URL
  2077. Banner Link URL
  2078. shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)]
  2079.  [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight']
  2080.     [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)]
  2081.  [/if]
  2082. 10/29/99p
  2083. Registrationt
  2084. Product
  2085. 8/5/99
  2086. Food Perfect is 100% fat free, cholesterol free, sodium free and calorie free. It contains 100% USRDI of over twenty essential vitamins and minerals. Unlike most vitamin and mineral pills and powders, which are not easily absorbed by the human body, the nutrients in Food Perfect are better assimilated by the human body at the cellular level. With over fifty nutrients including amino acids, trace elements and food co-factors, Food Perfect is 100% safe and natural.
  2087. the customer will be charged.
  2088. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  2089. An example that is common to t
  2090. Ordered ItemsB
  2091. Ordered Items
  2092. Products
  2093. Internet Setup
  2094. Address Setup
  2095. Credit Setup
  2096. Customers - List
  2097. RCCopyright 1998 - 1999 Imacination
  2098. ch-ching! - shopping cart builder
  2099. Imacination Software
  2100. 1-800-244-5332
  2101. Office Hours: 9am - 5pm Pacific Standard Time
  2102. Monday - Friday
  2103. 2674D E. Main #122
  2104. Ventura, CA 93003
  2105. USATbFor Technical Support please email support@imacination.com for
  2106. a response within one business day.
  2107. About...
  2108. Registered To:a!Please Enter Your Activation Key:c
  2109. WARNING:  This solution contains password(s) which can only be provided by Imacination Software.  This application file is not customizable, contact Imacination Software for information on customizing this solution.
  2110. Customers - ListB
  2111. Address Setup
  2112. Internet Setup
  2113. About...
  2114. Customers - List
  2115. Credit Setup
  2116. Orders
  2117.     Customers
  2118. Products
  2119. Products - List
  2120. Prod ID
  2121. Order ID
  2122.     Manufact.
  2123. Total
  2124. Ordered Items
  2125. Price
  2126. Forward
  2127. Go Last
  2128. Go First
  2129. View Web Field Labels
  2130. Address Setup
  2131. Internet Setup
  2132. About...
  2133. Customers - List
  2134. Credit Setup
  2135. Orders
  2136.     Customers
  2137. Products
  2138. Products - List
  2139. Prod ID
  2140. Order ID
  2141. Address SetupK
  2142. Internet SetupL
  2143. About...M
  2144. Customers - ListN
  2145. Credit SetupO
  2146. OrdersP    CustomersQ
  2147. ProductsR
  2148. Products - ListS
  2149. Ordered Items
  2150. Products - ListB
  2151.     Customers
  2152. Orders
  2153. Products List
  2154. Ordered Items
  2155. Products
  2156. Internet Setup
  2157. Miscellaneous
  2158. Address Setup
  2159. Credit Setup
  2160. About...
  2161. Customers - List
  2162. Phone
  2163. Address
  2164. Email
  2165. Forward
  2166. Go Last
  2167. Go First
  2168. CategoryB
  2169. TypeC
  2170. Yes/NoD
  2171. StatusE
  2172. CreditF
  2173. MethodH
  2174. ManufacturersI
  2175. Shipping MethodJ
  2176. ShippingK
  2177. Shipping Rule NameL
  2178. Attrib 1M
  2179. Attrib 2N
  2180. Attrib 3O
  2181. Attrib 4U
  2182. PhoneV
  2183. NameX
  2184. Shipping RateY
  2185. Shipping Method CompareZ
  2186. Enable[
  2187. SubCategory\
  2188. SubCategoryIndex]
  2189. Currency Position_
  2190. Application
  2191. FMRLA
  2192. FMRLA
  2193. FMRLA
  2194. FMRLA
  2195. FMRLA
  2196. FMRLA
  2197.  examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  2198. An example that is common to t
  2199. www_orderUpdateB
  2200. Internet Setup - RegisteredB
  2201. Address Setup
  2202. Internet Setup
  2203. About...
  2204. Customers - List
  2205. Credit Setup
  2206. Orders
  2207.     Customers
  2208. Products
  2209. Products - List
  2210. Prod ID
  2211. Order ID
  2212.     Manufact.
  2213. Total
  2214. Ordered Items
  2215. Price
  2216. Forward
  2217. Go Last
  2218. Go First
  2219. itmQuantity
  2220. itmOrderID
  2221. itmProductID
  2222. itmProductName
  2223. itmManufacturer
  2224. itmPrice
  2225. itmTotalPrice
  2226. Return to Ordered Items
  2227. Products - Web FieldsB
  2228. Credit SetupI
  2229. OrdersJ    CustomersK
  2230. ProductsL
  2231. Products - ListM
  2232. Ordered Items[
  2233. ordProductWeight\
  2234. ordQuantity]
  2235. ordShippingSum^
  2236. ordStateTaxCalc_
  2237. ordTotalSum`
  2238. custCountrya
  2239. custPostalCodeb
  2240. custCustomerIDc
  2241. ordOrderIDd
  2242. ordCustomerNumbere
  2243. ordShippingCalcn
  2244. custStateProvince
  2245. www_creditSetupB
  2246. H    Customers
  2247. Orders
  2248. Products - List
  2249. Ordered Items
  2250. Products
  2251. Internet Setup
  2252. Customers - List
  2253. Address Setup
  2254. Credit Setup
  2255. About...
  2256. Email Address
  2257. Email BCC Address
  2258. Mail Server Address
  2259. Store Site Address
  2260. Web Site Address
  2261. SSL URL
  2262. Internet Preferences
  2263. Internet Setup
  2264. Remote Username
  2265. Remote Password
  2266. Remote Administration
  2267. Sherlock Writer
  2268. Banner Image URL
  2269. Banner Link URL
  2270. www_ordersFindB
  2271. www_productsFindB
  2272. Address SetupG
  2273. Internet SetupH
  2274. About...I
  2275. Customers - ListJ
  2276. Credit SetupK
  2277. OrdersL    CustomersM
  2278. ProductsN
  2279. Products - ListO
  2280. Ordered Items
  2281. www_productsItemsB
  2282. Address Setupr
  2283. Internet Setups
  2284. About...t
  2285. Customers - Listu
  2286. Credit Setupv
  2287. Ordersw    Customersx
  2288. Productsy
  2289. Products - Listz
  2290. Ordered Items
  2291. www_customersListB
  2292. Address SetupG
  2293. Internet SetupH
  2294. About...I
  2295. Customers - ListJ
  2296. Credit SetupK
  2297. OrdersL    CustomersM
  2298. ProductsN
  2299. Products - ListO
  2300. Ordered Items
  2301. www_productsListB
  2302. Address SetupJ
  2303. Internet SetupK
  2304. About...L
  2305. Customers - ListM
  2306. Credit SetupN
  2307. OrdersO    CustomersP
  2308. ProductsQ
  2309. Products - ListR
  2310. Ordered Items
  2311. www_sherlockB
  2312. Address Setup
  2313. Internet Setup
  2314. About...
  2315. Customers - List
  2316. Credit Setup
  2317. Orders
  2318.     Customers
  2319. Products
  2320. Products - List
  2321. Ordered Items
  2322.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  2323.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  2324. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  2325.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  2326.  [els
  2327. e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  2328.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  2329. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  2330.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  2331.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  2332.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  2333. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  2334.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  2335.  [/if]
  2336.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  2337.      [variable_set:'
  2338. www_verticalSearchB
  2339. D    CustomersE
  2340. Orders
  2341. FPTHA/Macintosh HD:Desktop Folder:ch-ching_export.fp3
  2342. MSPCA
  2343. NAMEA
  2344. ch-ching_export.fp3
  2345. RPTHA&::::Desktop Folder:ch-ching_export.fp3
  2346. alisA
  2347. Macintosh HD
  2348. ch-ching_export.fp3
  2349. FMP3FMP3
  2350. Desktop Folder
  2351. /Macintosh HD:Desktop Folder:ch-ching_export.fp3
  2352. (LIST
  2353. VDEFA(
  2354. (LIST
  2355. LISTA4Product
  2356. Customer
  2357. Order
  2358. Preferences
  2359. Registration
  2360. VDEFA(
  2361. (LIST
  2362. LISTA
  2363. VDEFA(
  2364. Products ListG
  2365. Ordered ItemsH
  2366. ProductsI
  2367. Internet SetupK
  2368. Address SetupL
  2369. Credit SetupM
  2370. About...R
  2371. State/Province
  2372. Localityo
  2373. Tax Ratep
  2374. Tax Shipping?q
  2375. Additional Tax  Rate
  2376. Credit Setup
  2377. Customers - List
  2378. Credit Setupv
  2379. Delete
  2380. Applicable Products
  2381. www_mainSpecialsB
  2382.  lbs.
  2383.  lbs.
  2384. Address SetupK
  2385. Internet SetupL
  2386. About...M
  2387. Customers - ListN
  2388. Credit SetupO
  2389. OrdersP    CustomersQ
  2390. ProductsR
  2391. Products - ListS
  2392. Ordered Items
  2393. www_customersB
  2394. Address SetupL
  2395. Internet SetupM
  2396. About...N
  2397. Customers - ListO
  2398. Credit SetupP
  2399. OrdersQ    CustomersR
  2400. ProductsS
  2401. Products - ListT
  2402. Ordered Items
  2403. Address SetupL
  2404. Internet SetupM
  2405. About...N
  2406. Customers - ListO
  2407. Credit SetupP
  2408. OrdersQ    CustomersR
  2409. ProductsS
  2410. Products - ListT
  2411. Ordered Items
  2412. Products - ShippingB
  2413.  lbs.
  2414. Address SetupC
  2415. Internet SetupD
  2416. About...E
  2417. Customers - ListF
  2418. Credit SetupG
  2419. OrdersH    CustomersI
  2420. ProductsJ
  2421. Products - ListK
  2422. Ordered Items
  2423. Address SetupS
  2424. Internet SetupT
  2425. About...U
  2426. Customers - ListV
  2427. Credit SetupW
  2428. OrdersX    CustomersY
  2429. ProductsZ
  2430. Products - List[
  2431. Ordered Items
  2432. ipt for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  2433. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility
  2434. Shipping RuleB
  2435. Address Setup
  2436. Internet Setup
  2437. About...
  2438. Customers - List
  2439. Credit Setup
  2440. Orders
  2441. Ordered Items
  2442.     A    Customers
  2443. Products - List
  2444. Weight:
  2445. Height:
  2446. Width:
  2447. Girth:
  2448. Additional Handling:
  2449. [    Oversize:
  2450. Length:
  2451. Hazardous Materials:`
  2452. Fixed Shipping Cost:
  2453. Shipping Informationc
  2454. Productsd
  2455. Findf
  2456. Deleteg
  2457. Backh
  2458. Forwardi
  2459. Go Lastj
  2460. Go First
  2461. Information
  2462. Shipping & Links
  2463. Product Namer
  2464. Product IDs
  2465. Deletet
  2466. View Web Field Labels
  2467. shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)]
  2468.  [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight']
  2469.     [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)]
  2470.  [/if]
  2471. 5ur list of available method names.
  2472. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  2473. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  2474. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  2475. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  2476. state - Customer's shipping state.
  2477. posta
  2478. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  2479. country - Customer's shipping country.
  2480. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  2481. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  2482. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  2483. An example that is common to t
  2484. Shipping Rule - HelpB
  2485. A    CustomersB
  2486. Orders
  2487. Products - List
  2488. Ordered ItemsE
  2489. ProductsG
  2490. Internet Setup
  2491. Customers - List
  2492. Credit Setup
  2493. About...
  2494. Company Name
  2495. Company Address
  2496. State
  2497. Postal Code`
  2498. Your Company Address
  2499. Fax Number
  2500. Phone Number~
  2501. Method 
  2502. Shipping Rate
  2503. Currency Symbol 
  2504. Localization
  2505. Shipping Rule
  2506. Address Setup
  2507. Customer Cart Life 
  2508. Cart Settings
  2509. A    CustomersB
  2510. Orders
  2511. Products - List
  2512. Ordered ItemsE
  2513. ProductsG
  2514. Internet Setup
  2515. Customers - List
  2516. Credit Setup
  2517. About...
  2518. Company Name
  2519. Company Address
  2520. State
  2521. Postal Code
  2522. ArCompany Name and Address - enter your company address information as you would like to see it appear on  invoices.
  2523. wwwwww
  2524. wwwwww
  2525. Your Company Address
  2526. Fax Number
  2527. Phone Number~
  2528. Method 
  2529. Shipping Rate
  2530. $Shipping Rate - Choose the shipping rate that best matches your business model.
  2531. Consolidated will charge the same rate for every order.  Minimum will charge the greater of either the Rate or the sum of the Fixed Product Rates.  Calculated will simply charge the sum of the Fixed Product Rate
  2532. wwwwww
  2533. wwwwww
  2534. Currency Symbol 
  2535. Localization
  2536. Shipping Rule
  2537. Address Setup
  2538. Expanded DescriptionB
  2539. Expanded UsageB
  2540.  lbs.
  2541. Address Setup
  2542. Internet Setup
  2543. About...
  2544. Customers - List
  2545. Credit Setup
  2546. Orders
  2547. Ordered Items
  2548.     A    Customers
  2549. Products - List
  2550. Name:
  2551. d    Category:
  2552. Manufacturer:
  2553. Label:
  2554. j    Released:
  2555. Price:
  2556. Discount Percent:
  2557. Description:
  2558. Uses:
  2559. Import Picture
  2560. Additional Attributes
  2561.     Attrib 1:
  2562.     Attrib 5:
  2563.     Attrib 6:
  2564.         Attrib 7:
  2565.     Attrib 8:
  2566. Picture Name:
  2567. Delete
  2568. Forward
  2569. Go Last
  2570. Go First
  2571. Information
  2572. Extended Price:
  2573. Taxable:
  2574. Picture:
  2575. 6    Attrib 2:
  2576. 7    Attrib 3:
  2577. 8    Attrib 4:
  2578. Product Information
  2579. Shipping & Links
  2580. @    Special?:
  2581.  Sub Category:
  2582. Products
  2583. Description
  2584.  for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts.
  2585. The following Variables are available to your script for use:
  2586. method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names.
  2587. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  2588. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  2589. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  2590. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  2591. state - Customer's shipping state.
  2592. posta
  2593. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  2594. country - Customer's shipping country.
  2595. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  2596. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  2597. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  2598. An example that is common to t
  2599.  lbs.
  2600. Address Setup
  2601. Internet Setup
  2602. About...
  2603. Customers - List
  2604. Credit Setup
  2605. Orders
  2606. Ordered Items
  2607.     A    Customers
  2608. Products - List
  2609.  for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts.
  2610. The following Variables are available to your script for use:
  2611. method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names.
  2612. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  2613. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  2614. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  2615. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  2616. state - Customer's shipping state.
  2617. posta
  2618. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  2619. country - Customer's shipping country.
  2620. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  2621. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  2622. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  2623. An example that is common to t
  2624. Name:
  2625. d    Category:
  2626. Manufacturer:
  2627. Label:
  2628. j    Released:
  2629. Price:
  2630. Discount Percent:
  2631. Description:
  2632. Uses:
  2633. Import Picture
  2634. Additional Attributes
  2635.     Attrib 1:
  2636.     Attrib 5:
  2637.     Attrib 6:
  2638.         Attrib 7:
  2639.     Attrib 8:
  2640. Picture Name:
  2641. Delete
  2642. Forward
  2643. Go Last
  2644. Go First
  2645. Information
  2646. Extended Price:
  2647. Taxable:
  2648. Picture:
  2649. 6    Attrib 2:
  2650. 7    Attrib 3:
  2651. 8    Attrib 4:
  2652. Product Information
  2653. Shipping & Links
  2654. @    Special?:
  2655.  Sub Category:
  2656. Products
  2657. www_sherlockDataB
  2658. www_shippingDetailB
  2659. Address SetupF
  2660. Internet SetupG
  2661. About...H
  2662. Customers - ListI
  2663. Credit SetupJ
  2664. OrdersK    CustomersL
  2665. ProductsM
  2666. Products - ListN
  2667. Ordered Items
  2668. www_orderShippingB
  2669. Address SetupC
  2670. Internet SetupD
  2671. About...E
  2672. Customers - ListF
  2673. Credit SetupG
  2674. OrdersH    CustomersI
  2675. ProductsJ
  2676. Products - ListK
  2677. Ordered Items
  2678. Address SetupC
  2679. Internet SetupD
  2680. About...E
  2681. Customers - ListF
  2682. Credit SetupG
  2683. OrdersH    CustomersI
  2684. ProductsJ
  2685. Products - ListK
  2686. Ordered Items
  2687. 10/29/99p
  2688. Registrationt
  2689. Product
  2690. 8/5/99
  2691. Q}Relief from water retention and bloating, the Excess Water pill helps you rid your body of excess fluids that cause bloating.
  2692. Natural Herbal Diuretic
  2693. Excess Water Pill
  2694. excesssm.jpg
  2695. Registration
  2696. Version 2.6.7b2
  2697. Version 2.6.7r5
  2698. 1818542393
  2699. Relief from water re...
  2700. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  2701. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibilityal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  2702.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  2703.  [els
  2704. www_itemDeleteB
  2705. www_cartB
  2706. Address SetupE
  2707. Internet SetupF
  2708. About...G
  2709. Customers - List
  2710. Address SetupE
  2711. Internet SetupF
  2712. About...G
  2713. Customers - ListH
  2714. Credit SetupI
  2715. OrdersJ    CustomersK
  2716. ProductsL
  2717. Products - ListM
  2718. Ordered Items
  2719. www_shippingRuleB
  2720. Address SetupC
  2721. Internet SetupD
  2722. About...E
  2723. Customers - ListF
  2724. Credit SetupG
  2725. OrdersH    CustomersI
  2726. ProductsJ
  2727. Products - ListK
  2728. Ordered Items
  2729. Customers - ListF
  2730. Credit SetupG
  2731. OrdersH    CustomersI
  2732. ProductsJ
  2733. Products - ListK
  2734. Ordered Items
  2735. Address SetupF
  2736. Internet SetupG
  2737. About...H
  2738. Customers - ListI
  2739. Credit SetupJ
  2740. OrdersK    CustomersL
  2741. ProductsM
  2742. Products - ListN
  2743. Ordered Items
  2744. www_prodLinkB
  2745. Address SetupC
  2746. Internet SetupD
  2747. About...E
  2748. Customers - ListF
  2749. Credit SetupG
  2750. OrdersH    CustomersI
  2751. ProductsJ
  2752. Products - ListK
  2753. Ordered Items
  2754. www_ordersB
  2755. Address Setup
  2756. Internet SetupK
  2757. About...L
  2758. Customers - ListM
  2759. Credit SetupN
  2760. OrdersO    CustomersP
  2761. ProductsQ
  2762. Products - ListR
  2763. Ordered Items
  2764. About... - PreregisteredB
  2765.  for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts.
  2766. The following Variables are available to your script for use:
  2767. method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names.
  2768. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  2769. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  2770. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  2771. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  2772. state - Customer's shipping state.
  2773. posta
  2774. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  2775. country - Customer's shipping country.
  2776. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  2777. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  2778. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  2779. An example that is common to t
  2780. Address Setup
  2781. Internet Setup
  2782. About...
  2783. Customers - List
  2784. Credit Setup
  2785. Orders
  2786. g    Customers
  2787. Products
  2788. Products - List
  2789. Ordered Items
  2790. Attrib 1 EditB
  2791. A    Customers
  2792. Orders
  2793. Products - List
  2794. Ordered Items
  2795. Products
  2796. Internet Setup
  2797. Address Setup
  2798. Credit Setup
  2799. Customers - List
  2800. Imacination Software
  2801. 1937 Goodyear Ave. #707
  2802. Ventura, CA 93003
  2803. Phone:  1-800-244-5332
  2804. http://www.imacination.com
  2805. support@imacination.com
  2806. Office Hours: 9am - 5pm 
  2807. Pacific Standard Time
  2808. Monday - Friday
  2809. wwwwww
  2810. wwwwww
  2811. wwwwww
  2812. wwwwww
  2813. For Technical Support please email support@imacination.com for
  2814. a response within one business day.
  2815. WARNING:  This solution contains password(s) which can only be provided by Imacination Software.  This application file is not customizable, contact Imacination Software for information on customizing this solution.`
  2816. Registered To:a
  2817. Activation Key:b
  2818. Mode:c
  2819. Registerf!Click To Connect To Our Web Site.iPCopyright 1998 - 1999 Imacination
  2820. Ch-Ching! - The Instant Internet Store Builder
  2821. About...
  2822. This demo has expired. Press OK to connect to the Imacination Software Web site to purchase Ch-Ching! or register your software.t
  2823. Cancel
  2824. Attrib 2 EditB
  2825.  lbs.
  2826. Address Setup
  2827. Internet Setup
  2828. About...
  2829. Customers - List
  2830. Credit Setup
  2831. Orders
  2832. Ordered Items
  2833.     A    Customers
  2834. Products - List
  2867. S    PRODGIRTH
  2870. PRODID
  2871. W    PRODIDREL
  2872. g    PRODLABEL
  2878. PRODNAME
  2883. Name:
  2884. d    Category:
  2885. Manufacturer:
  2886. Label:
  2887. j    Released:
  2888. Price:
  2889. Discount Percent:
  2890. Description:
  2891. Uses:
  2892. Import Picture
  2893. Additional Attributes
  2894.     Attrib 1:
  2895.     Attrib 5:
  2896.     Attrib 6:
  2897.         Attrib 7:
  2898.     Attrib 8:
  2899. Picture Name:
  2900. Delete
  2901. Forward
  2902. Go Last
  2903. Go First
  2904. Information
  2905. Extended Price:
  2906. Taxable:
  2907. Picture:
  2908. 6    Attrib 2:
  2909. 7    Attrib 3:
  2910. 8    Attrib 4:
  2911. Product Information
  2912. Shipping & Links
  2913. @    Special?:
  2914.  Sub Category:
  2915. Products
  2916. Attrib 1
  2917. Attrib 3 EditB
  2918.  lbs.
  2919. Address Setup
  2920. Internet Setup
  2921. About...
  2922. Customers - List
  2923. Credit Setup
  2924. Orders
  2925. Ordered Items
  2926.     A    Customers
  2927. Products - List
  2928. Name:
  2929. d    Category:
  2930. Manufacturer:
  2931. Label:
  2932. Upgrade 2.6.7r2wicked
  2933. hanging
  2934. tapers
  2935. unscented
  2936. octagonal
  2937. unscented
  2938. candle
  2939. sconce
  2940. unscented
  2941. candle
  2942. octagonaly
  2943. j    Released:
  2944. Price:
  2945. Discount Percent:
  2946. Description:
  2947. Uses:
  2948. Import Picture
  2949. Additional Attributes
  2950.     Attrib 1:
  2951.     Attrib 5:
  2952.     Attrib 6:
  2953.         Attrib 7:
  2954.     Attrib 8:
  2955. Picture Name:
  2956. Delete
  2957. Forward
  2958. Go Last
  2959. Go First
  2960. Information
  2961. Extended Price:
  2962. Taxable:
  2963. Picture:
  2964. 6    Attrib 2:
  2965. 7    Attrib 3:
  2966. 8    Attrib 4:
  2967. Product Information
  2968. Shipping & Links
  2969. @    Special?:
  2970.  Sub Category:
  2971. Products
  2972. Attrib 2
  2973. Attrib 4 EditB
  2974.  lbs.
  2975. Address Setup
  2976. Internet Setup
  2977. About...
  2978. Customers - List
  2979. Credit Setup
  2980. Orders
  2981. Ordered Items
  2982.     A    Customers
  2983. Products - List
  2984. Name:
  2985. d    Category:
  2986. Manufacturer:
  2987. Label:
  2988. j    Released:
  2989. Price:
  2990. Discount Percent:
  2991. Description:
  2992. Uses:
  2993. Import Picture
  2994. Additional Attributes
  2995.     Attrib 1:
  2996.     Attrib 5:
  2997.     Attrib 6:
  2998.         Attrib 7:
  2999.     Attrib 8:
  3000. Picture Name:
  3001. Delete
  3002. Forward
  3003. Go Last
  3004. Go First
  3005. Information
  3006. Extended Price:
  3007. Taxable:
  3008. Picture:
  3009. 6    Attrib 2:
  3010. 7    Attrib 3:
  3011. 8    Attrib 4:
  3012. Product Information
  3013. Shipping & Links
  3014. @    Special?:
  3015.  Sub Category:
  3016. Products
  3017. Attrib 3
  3018. www_taxB
  3019.  lbs.
  3020. Address Setup
  3021. Internet Setup
  3022. About...
  3023. Customers - List
  3024. Credit Setup
  3025. Orders
  3026. Ordered Items
  3027.     A    Customers
  3028. Products - List
  3029. Name:
  3030. d    Category:
  3031. Manufacturer:
  3032. Label:
  3033.  for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts.
  3034. The following Variables are available to your script for use:
  3035. method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names.
  3036. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  3037. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  3038. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  3039. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  3040. state - Customer's shipping state.
  3041. posta
  3042. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  3043. country - Customer's shipping country.
  3044. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  3045. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  3046. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  3047. An example that is common to t
  3048. j    Released:
  3049. Price:
  3050. Discount Percent:
  3051. Description:
  3052. Uses:
  3053. Import Picture
  3054. Additional Attributes
  3055.     Attrib 1:
  3056.     Attrib 5:
  3057.     Attrib 6:
  3058.         Attrib 7:
  3059.     Attrib 8:
  3060. Picture Name:
  3061. Delete
  3062. Forward
  3063. Go Last
  3064. Go First
  3065. Information
  3066. Extended Price:
  3067. Taxable:
  3068. Picture:
  3069. 6    Attrib 2:
  3070. 7    Attrib 3:
  3071. 8    Attrib 4:
  3072. Product Information
  3073. Shipping & Links
  3074. @    Special?:
  3075.  Sub Category:
  3076. Products
  3077. Attrib 4
  3078. Edit Shipping RateB
  3079. he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight:
  3080. [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30]
  3081.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95']
  3082.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  3083.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  3084. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  3085.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  3086.  [els
  3087. e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  3088.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  3089. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  3090.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  3091.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  3092.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  3093. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  3094.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  3095.  [/if]
  3096.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  3097.      [variable_set:'
  3098. www_attribsB
  3099. A    CustomersB
  3100. Orders
  3101. Products - List
  3102. Ordered ItemsE
  3103. ProductsG
  3104. Internet Setup
  3105. Customers - List
  3106. Credit Setup
  3107. About...
  3108. Company Name
  3109. Company Address
  3110. State
  3111. Postal Code`
  3112. Your Company Address
  3113. Phone Number
  3114. Method 
  3115. Shipping Rate
  3116. Currency Symbol 
  3117. Localization
  3118. Set Custom Shipping Script
  3119. Customer Cart Life Shipping Rate
  3120. Currency Symbol 
  3121. Localization
  3122. Set Custom Shipping Script
  3123. Customer Cart Life 
  3124. Cart Settings
  3125. Fax Number
  3126. Country
  3127. Address Setup
  3128. Address Setup - RegisteredB
  3129. Address SetupS
  3130. Internet SetupT
  3131. About...U
  3132. Customers - ListV
  3133. Credit SetupW
  3134. OrdersX    CustomersY
  3135. ProductsZ
  3136. Products - List[
  3137. Ordered Items
  3138. www_addressSetupB
  3139. either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibilityng - Box of 6 Pair
  3140. A    CustomersB
  3141. Orders
  3142. Products - List
  3143. Ordered ItemsE
  3144. ProductsG
  3145. Internet Setup
  3146. Customers - List
  3147. Credit Setup
  3148. About...
  3149. Company Name
  3150. Company Address
  3151. State
  3152. Postal Code`
  3153. Your Company Address
  3154. Phone Number
  3155. Address Setup
  3156. Method 
  3157. Shipping Rate
  3158. Currency Symbol: 
  3159. Localization
  3160. Set Custom Shipping Script
  3161. Customer Cart Life:
  3162. Cart Settings
  3163. Fax Number
  3164. Country
  3165. Edit...
  3166. Decimal Separator:
  3167. Thousands Separator:
  3168. Product
  3169.  = "N"
  3170. Canceljt
  3171. 33ttWt
  3172. xuYou cannot upgrade versions while you have new records in your database.  If you would like to upgrade, click OK and I will erase the existing records and import the old records from your previous version.E+
  3173. ) = 1    
  3174. | = "Version 2.6.7b4" 
  3175. | = "Version 2.6.7b3" 
  3176. | = "Version 2.6.7b2"
  3177. Version 2.6.7b4
  3178. Version 2.6.7b3
  3179. Version 2.6.7b2
  3180. | = "Version 2.6.7"
  3181. Version 2.6.7
  3182. | = "Version 2.6.7r2" 
  3183. | = "Version 2.6.7r3" 
  3184. | = "Version 2.6.7r4"
  3185. Version 2.6.7r2
  3186. Version 2.6.7r3
  3187. Version 2.6.7r4
  3188.  for further upgrade information.
  3189. Do Nothing
  3190. Delete Portal Row
  3191. Cross Relate
  3192. Custom Shipping
  3193. Duplicate Record
  3194. Sort Records
  3195. Category Cleanup
  3196. Delete Products
  3197. Upgrade Beta Versions
  3198. Upgrade 2.6.7
  3199. Upgrade 2.6.7r2
  3200. Change Password
  3201. Upgrade 2.6.7r4
  3202. able:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  3203.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  3204. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  3205.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  3206.  [/if]
  3207.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  3208.      [variable_set:'
  3209.  [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight']
  3210.     [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)]
  3211.  [/if]
  3212. Address SetupC
  3213. Internet SetupD
  3214. About...E
  3215. Customers - ListF
  3216. Credit SetupG
  3217. OrdersH    CustomersI
  3218. ProductsJ
  3219. Products - ListK
  3220. Ordered Items
  3221. www_orderedItemsB
  3222. About...
  3223. *+---------------Layouts------------------+
  3224. Orders
  3225. Ordered Items
  3226. Products
  3227.     Customers
  3228. Customers - List
  3229. Products - List
  3230. Preferences - Address
  3231. Preferences - Credit
  3232. Preferences - Internet
  3233. Go To Customer Record
  3234. Attrib 1 - Edit
  3235. Attrib 2 - Edit
  3236. Attrib 3 - Edit
  3237. Attrib 4 - Edit
  3238. Open Layout
  3239. Close Layout
  3240. &*+---------------Perform Finds------------+
  3241. Find Orders
  3242. Find Customers
  3243. Find Products
  3244. Find Taxes
  3245. Find Shipping Rules
  3246. Find Verical Links
  3247. 4)+---------------New Records------------+ 
  3248. New Customer
  3249. 8    New Order
  3250. New Product
  3251. New Tax
  3252. New Shipping Rule
  3253. New Verical Link
  3254. B,+---------------Utilities------------------+
  3255. Registration
  3256. Import Products
  3257. Import Picture
  3258. StartUp
  3259. Upgrade Version
  3260. BackUp
  3261. SetEndUserLic
  3262. AgreeToLic
  3263. Connect to WWW site
  3264. Update Database Name
  3265. Export Orders
  3266. Export Customers
  3267. Export Products
  3268. Export Ordered Items
  3269. Sharing and Remote Mode...e...
  3275. DPICTURE
  3276. Address SetupL
  3277. Internet SetupM
  3278. About...N
  3279. Customers - ListO
  3280. Credit SetupP
  3281. OrdersQ    CustomersR
  3282. ProductsS
  3283. Products - ListT
  3284. Ordered Items
  3285. nt)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib8', loopcount),'/')]
  3286. [/if][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_RemoveTrailing:Pattern='/',(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)))][/if]
  3287. [/loop][/if]
  3288. [if:(token_value) == 'update']
  3289. 0[loop:(form_param:"CurrentRecordNumber", count)]
  3290. ^[if:((form_param:"Quantity", 
  3291. loopcount) == '') || ((form_param:"Quantity", loopcount) == ' ')]
  3292.  [inline:database="
  3293. b", layout="www_itemDelete", recid=(form_param:"CurrentRecordNumber", loopcount),  ClientUsername='
  3294. ', ClientPassword='
  3295. ', delete]
  3296. A[/inline][else][if:(form_param:'prodName')!=''][inline:database="
  3297. ", layout="www_updateItem", "itmQuantity"=(form_param:"Quantity", loopcount), "itmProductName"=(variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount), Raw),  recid=(form_param
  3298.     Helvetica
  3299. Geneva
  3300. Arial
  3301. Times
  3302. Monaco
  3303. Arial MT Condensed Light
  3304. Futura CondensedExtraBold
  3305. Impact
  3306. Times New Roman
  3307. Orders
  3308. OrderBN
  3309. ) = "401") 
  3310. ) = 0)    
  3311. Cancel
  3312. Cancel
  3313. There are no Orders at this time.
  3314. Ordered Items
  3315. ) = "401") 
  3316. ) = 0)    
  3317. Cancel
  3318. Cancel
  3319. There are no Ordered Items at this time.
  3320. rs at this time.
  3321. Ordered Items
  3322. Products
  3323. ) = 0    
  3324.     "Product"
  3325. ProductC$
  3326.     "Product"
  3327. ProductD+
  3328. ) = "401"    
  3329.     "Product"
  3330. Product
  3331. A    Customers
  3332. "Customer"
  3333. CustomerBN
  3334. ) = "401") 
  3335. ) = 0)    
  3336. Preferences - Address
  3337. & = "LIVE")  
  3338.  "O")
  3339. ) = "0"  
  3340. ) = ""    
  3341. PreferencesD
  3342. PreferencesE-
  3343. ) = 401    
  3344. Preferences
  3345. Registration
  3346. Cancel
  3347. Cancel
  3348. There are no Customers at this time.
  3349. Import Products
  3350.  = "N"
  3351. ypInitial valu
  3352. Increment by
  3353.     "Product"
  3354. Product
  3355. ) = "0"  
  3356. ) = ""    
  3357. RegistrationC
  3358. RegistrationD-
  3359. ) = 401    
  3360. RegistrationF+
  3361. ) = 0    
  3362. & = "LIVE"
  3363. Cancelw pos
  3364. Owner resource
  3365. Cancelsource
  3366. MacTCPDetector
  3367. Mainv9$>
  3368. ch-ching! has already been serialized and activated.
  3369. 10/29/99p
  3370. Registrationt
  3371. Product
  3372. 8/5/99
  3373. Habit
  3374. QvSmokers Relief 7-Day Smoking Cessation Program is a scientific breakthrough that CAN help you quit - once and for all.
  3375. Quit Smoking
  3376. Smoker's Relief
  3377. smokersm.jpg
  3378. 59.50
  3379. Registration
  3380. Version 2.6.7b2
  3381. Version 2.6.7r5
  3382. 1818542393
  3383. Smokers Relief 7-Day...
  3384. Smoking
  3385. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  3386. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibilityset:'shipping' = '14.95']
  3387.  [/if]
  3388.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  3389.      [variable_set:'
  3390. New Product
  3391. Import Picture
  3392. Upgrade Version
  3393. Canceljt
  3394. 33ttWt
  3395. xuYou cannot upgrade versions while you have new records in your database.  If you would like to upgrade, click OK and I will erase the existing records and import the old records from your previous version.E+
  3396. ) = 1    
  3397. Product
  3398. BackUp
  3399.  = "N"
  3400. SetEndUserLic
  3402. Ch-Ching! Online Shopping Cart
  3403. End User Software License
  3405. 1.  License.   The application, demonstration, system and other software accompanying this License, whether on disk, in read only memory, or on any other media (the "Software"), the related documentation and fonts are licensed to you by IMACINATION or its local subsidiar
  3406. Upgrade 2.6.7
  3407. AgreeToLic
  3408. Connect to WWW site
  3409. http://www.imacination.com/
  3410. Preferences - Credit
  3411. ) = "0"  
  3412. ) = ""    
  3413. PreferencesC
  3414. PreferencesD-
  3415. ) = 401    
  3416. Preferences
  3417. About...
  3418. y, if any ("IMACINATION"). You own the disk on which the Software and fonts are recorded but IMACINATION and/or IMACINATION's Licensor(s) retain title to the Software, related documentation and fonts.  This License allows you to use the Software and fonts on a single computer and make one copy of the Software and fonts in machine readable form for backup purposes only. You must reproduce on such copy the IMACINATION copyright notice and any other proprietary legends that were on the origin
  3419. al copy of the Software and fonts. You may use the Software in a networked environment so long as each computer in such environment is the subject of a license for the Software; however, you may not electronically transmit the Software from one computer to another over a network.  You may also transfer all your license rights in the Software and fonts, backup copy of the Software and fonts, the related documentation and a copy of this License to another party, provided the other party read
  3420. s and agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this License and you relinquish all your license rights in the Software, backup copies, documentation and related materials.
  3421. 2.  Restrictions.  The Software contains copyrighted material, trade secrets and other proprietary material and in order to protect them, and except as permitted by applicable legislation, you may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to human-perceivable form.  You may not mo
  3422. dify, network, rent, lease, loan, distribute or create derivative works based upon the Software in whole or in part, except for the limited networking described above in Section 1.  
  3423. 3.  Termination. This License is effective until terminated.  You may terminate this License at any time by destroying the Software, related documentation and fonts and all copies thereof.  This License will terminate immediately without notice from IMACINATION if you fail to comply with any provision of this
  3424.  License.  Upon termination you must destroy the Software, related documentation fonts and all copies thereof.
  3425. 4.  Export Law Assurances.  You agree and certify that neither the Software or any other technical data received from IMACINATION, nor the direct product thereof, will be exported outside the United States except as authorized and as permitted by the laws and regulations of the United States.  If the Software has been rightfully obtained by you outside of the United States, you a
  3426. gree that you will not re-export the Software nor any other technical data received from IMACINATION, or the direct product thereof, except as permitted by the laws and regulations of the United States and the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which you obtained the Software.
  3427. 5.  Government End Users.  If the Software is supplied to the United States Government, the Software is classified as "restricted computer software" as defined in clause 52.227-19 of the FAR.  The United St
  3428. ates Government's rights to the Software are as provided in clause 52.227-19 of the FAR.
  3429. 6.  Disclaimer of Warranty on Software.  You expressly acknowledge and agree that the use of the Software and fonts is at your sole risk.  The Software, related documentation and fonts are provided "AS IS" and without warranty of any kind and IMACINATION and IMACINATION's Licensor(s) (for the purposes of provisions 5 and 6, IMACINATION and IMACINATION's Licensor(s) shall be collectively referred to as
  3437. In no event shall IMACINATION's total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you for the Software, fonts and documentation.
  3438. 8.  Controlling Law and Severability.  This License shall be governed by the and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and the State of California, as applied to agreements entered into and pe
  3439. rformed entirely within California between California residents.  If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of this License, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision of the License shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to effect the intent of the parties, and the remainder of this License shall continue in full force and effect.
  3440. 9. Complete Agreement.  This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with re
  3441. spect to the use of the Software, related documentation and fonts, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter.  No amendment to or modification of this License will be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of IMACINATION.   
  3442. Ch-Ching! is a registered trademark of IMACINATION.   Ch-Ching! and all logos provided with it are copyright of  Imacination Software.
  3443. Preferences - Internet
  3444. & = "LIVE")  
  3445.  "O")
  3446. ) = "0"  
  3447. ) = ""    
  3448. PreferencesD
  3449. PreferencesE-
  3450. ) = 401    
  3451. Preferences
  3452. Customers - List
  3453. CustomerBN
  3454. ) = "401") 
  3455. ) = 0)    
  3456.  = "N"
  3457. ) = "0"  
  3458. ) = ""    
  3459. PreferencesD
  3460. PreferencesE-
  3461. ) = 401    
  3462. Preferences
  3463. Products - List
  3464. ) = 0    
  3465. ProductC
  3466. ProductD+
  3467. ) = "401"    
  3468. Product
  3469. New Customer
  3470. Customer
  3471.  A    New Order
  3472. Order
  3473. Find Orders
  3474. Customer
  3475. Order
  3476. Find Customers
  3477. Customer
  3478. Cancel
  3479. Cancel
  3480. There are no Customers at this time.
  3481. Customer
  3482. Find Products
  3483. Customer
  3484.     "Product"
  3485. Product
  3486. Update Database Name
  3487.  = "N"
  3488. "Preference"
  3489. PreferenceCB
  3490. ) = "0" 
  3491. ) = "1"    
  3492. Cancel
  3493. dA new file, 'name.lasso', has been generated in the same folder as your database.  Please replace the old 'name.lasso' file found in the 'includes' folders with the new one.  Refer to your manual for additional assistance
  3494. Export Orders
  3495.  = "N"
  3496. Export Customers
  3497.  = "N"
  3498. Export Products
  3499.  = "N"
  3500. Export Ordered Items
  3501. Cancel
  3502. dA new file, 'name.lasso', has been generated in the same folder as your client application.  Please replace the old 'name.lasso' file found in the 'includes' folders with the new one.  Refer to your manual for additional assistance
  3503. Address SetupF
  3504. Internet SetupG
  3505. About...H
  3506. Customers - ListI
  3507. Credit SetupJ
  3508. OrdersK    CustomersL
  3509. ProductsM
  3510. Products - ListN
  3511. Ordered Items
  3512.  = "N"
  3513. +A*+---------------Perform Finds------------+
  3514. ,A)+---------------New Records------------+ 
  3515. Open Layout
  3516. Close Layout
  3517. & = "LIVE"
  3518. Find Taxes
  3519. New Tax
  3520. "Tax"
  3521.     "Taxable"
  3522. Taxable
  3523. New Verical Link
  3524. Vertical
  3525. Sharing and Remote Mode...
  3526. Do Nothing
  3527. Delete Portal Row
  3528. Cancel
  3529. Delete the link to this product?B+
  3530. ) = 1    
  3531. Cross Relate
  3532. Product
  3533. Custom Shipping
  3534. Leading
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  3536. Enabled
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  3538.  =  "Custom"
  3539. Custom
  3540. Cancelm
  3541. Cancel
  3542. To create a custom shipping script, you must select "Custom" from Shipping Method menu, and Create at least one Shipping Rule name,  by selecting "Edit..." from the Rate field.
  3543. Duplicate Record
  3544. Sort Records
  3545. Category Cleanup
  3546. Attrib 2 - Edit
  3547. ) = "0"  
  3548. ) = ""    
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  3552. Preferences
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  3569. smoker's
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  3579. theseA
  3580. these
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  3582. these
  3583. ultra
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  3585. ultraA
  3586. usesA
  3587. registration
  3588. 2.6.7b2A
  3589. versionA
  3590. version
  3591. 2.6.7b2A
  3592. 2.6.7r3A
  3593. 2.6.7r4A
  3594. 2.6.7r5A
  3595. version
  3596. 2.6.7r3A
  3597. version
  3598. 2.6.7r4A
  3599. version
  3600. 2.6.7r5A
  3601. 7-dayI
  3602. beatB
  3603. fatigueC
  3604. foodH
  3605. ) = "0"  
  3606. ) = ""    
  3607. PreferencesC
  3608. PreferencesD-
  3609. ) = 401    
  3610. Preferences
  3611. Delete Products
  3612. Preferences
  3613. Cancel
  3614. Delete All
  3615. Are you sure you want to delete all products?  This action is unrecoverable.B+
  3616. ) = 2    
  3617. Product
  3618. Go To Customer Record
  3619. Upgrade Beta Versions
  3620. 111111
  3621. 999999
  3622. BBBBBB
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  3624. RRRRRR
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  4269. kkkkkk
  4270. jjjjjj
  4271. iiiiii
  4272. hhhhhh
  4273. gggggg
  4274. ffffff
  4275. eeeeee
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  4298. NNNNNN
  4299. MMMMMM
  4300. LLLLLL
  4301. KKKKKK
  4302. JJJJJJ
  4303. IIIIII
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  4305. GGGGGG
  4306. FFFFFF
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  4350. Leading
  4351. Enabled
  4352. Enabled
  4353. ordGlobalTaxRelB
  4354. ordGlobalTaxCalcB
  4355. Global
  4356. ordGlobalTaxB
  4357. RPTH@
  4358. FPTHA
  4359. alisA
  4360. FPTH@
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  4362. DDDDDD
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  4367. ffffff
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  4369. """"""
  4370. 3RPTH
  4371. FPTHA3Hummer:Development ch-ching.fp3:US:ch-ching_old.fp3
  4372. MSPCA
  4373. NAMEA
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  4375. 13333
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  4405. FPTHA1Hummer:Development ch-ching.fp3:ch-ching Copy.fp3
  4406. MSPCA
  4407. NAMEA
  4408. ch-ching Copy.fp3
  4409. RPTHA
  4410. ch-ching Copy.fp3
  4411.  RPTH
  4412. FPTHA Hummer:Desktop Folder:test.lasso
  4413. MSPCA
  4414. NAMEA
  4415. test.lasso
  4416. RPTHA
  4417. ::Desktop Folder:test.lasso
  4418. 2RPTH
  4419. -alis
  4420. FPTHA2Hummer:Development:B4:ch-ching:includes:name.lasso
  4421. MSPCA
  4422. NAMEA
  4423. name.lasso
  4424. RPTHA-::Development:B4:ch-ching:includes:name.lasso
  4425. alisA
  4426. Hummer
  4427. name.lasso
  4428. TEXTttxt
  4429. includes
  4430. 2Hummer:Development:B4:ch-ching:includes:name.lasso
  4431. 0RPTH
  4432. RPTHA
  4433. ch-ching_old.fp3
  4434. Hummer
  4435. ch-ching_old.fp3
  4436. FMP3FMP3
  4437. 3Hummer:Development ch-ching.fp3:US:ch-ching_old.fp3
  4438. devmac
  4439. Hummer
  4440. Allon Bendavid
  4441. FPTHA0Hummer:Development ch-ching.fp3:US:customers.txt
  4442. MSPCA
  4443. NAMEA
  4444. customers.txt
  4445. RPTHA
  4446. customers.txt
  4447. -RPTH
  4448. FPTHA-Hummer:Development ch-ching.fp3:US:Orders.txt
  4449. MSPCA
  4450. NAMEA
  4451. Orders.txt
  4452. RPTHA
  4453. Orders.txt
  4454. /RPTH
  4455. FPTHA/Hummer:Development ch-ching.fp3:US:products.txt
  4456. MSPCA
  4457. NAMEA
  4458. products.txt
  4459. RPTHA
  4460. products.txt
  4461. 4RPTH
  4462. FPTHA4Hummer:Development ch-ching.fp3:US:ordered_items.txt
  4463. MSPCA
  4464. NAMEA
  4465. ordered_items.txt
  4466. RPTHA
  4467. ordered_items.txt
  4468. +RPTH
  4469. 'alis
  4470. FPTHA+Hummer:Desktop Folder:B5 Testing Block:test
  4471. MSPCA
  4472. NAMEA
  4473. RPTHA':::Desktop Folder:B5 Testing Block:test
  4474. Shipping - Web FieldsB
  4475. alisA
  4476. Hummer
  4477. FMP3FMP3
  4478. B5 Testing Block
  4479. +Hummer:Desktop Folder:B5 Testing Block:test
  4480. /RPTH
  4481. &alis
  4482. (LIST
  4483. LISTA
  4484. Closed
  4485. VDEFA(
  4486. (LIST
  4487. LISTA:Visa
  4488. MasterCard
  4489. Diners Club
  4490. Discover
  4491. VDEFA(
  4492. (LIST
  4493. VDEFA(
  4494. (LIST
  4495. VDEFA(
  4496. (LIST
  4497. LISTA&Consolidated
  4498. Minimum
  4499. Calculated
  4500. Custom
  4501. VDEFA(
  4502. (LIST
  4503. LISTA
  4504. Maximum
  4505. VDEFA(
  4506. (LIST
  4507. LISTA5FedEx - Standard
  4508. FedEx - NextDay
  4509. FedEx - Overnite
  4510. VDEFA(
  4511. (LIST
  4512. LISTA
  4513. Select...
  4514. (LIST
  4515. LISTA
  4516. Select...
  4517. VDEFA(
  4518. (LIST
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  4520. Select...
  4521. VDEFA(
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  4525. VDEFA(
  4526. (LIST
  4527. VDEFA(
  4528. (LIST
  4529. VDEFA(
  4530. (LIST
  4531. LISTA
  4532. UPS - Ground
  4533. UPS - Overnight
  4534. VDEFA(
  4535. (LIST
  4536. LISTA
  4537. Custom
  4538. VDEFA(
  4539. (LIST
  4540. LISTA
  4541. Enabled
  4542. VDEFA(
  4543. (LIST
  4544. VDEFA(
  4545. VDEFA(
  4546. (LIST
  4547. VDEFA(
  4548. (LIST
  4549. LISTA
  4550. Leading
  4551. Trailing
  4552. VDEFA(
  4553. (LIST
  4554. LISTA
  4555. Taxable
  4556. VDEFA(
  4557. FMRLA
  4558. FMRLA
  4559. FMRLA
  4560. FMRLA
  4561. itmProductsB
  4562. ordCustomersC
  4563. ordOrderedItemsE
  4564. fileImportJ
  4565. ordTaxStateL
  4566. prodVerticalN
  4567. prodLinkO
  4568. prodReverseLinkP
  4569. ordTaxCountryR
  4570. ordTaxGlobal
  4571. Address Setup
  4572. Internet Setup
  4573. About...
  4574. Customers - List
  4575. Credit Setup
  4576. Orders
  4577. Ordered Items
  4578.     Customers
  4579. Products
  4580. Products - List
  4581. Description
  4582. Manuf.
  4583. Special
  4584. Price
  4585. Discount
  4586. Extend
  4587. Products - List
  4588. Forward
  4589. Go Last
  4590. Go First
  4591. Pro 3.0 - 4.0F!
  4592. Pro 3.0 - 4.1M1
  4593. Sunday
  4594. Monday
  4595. Tuesday
  4596.     Wednesday
  4597. Thursday
  4598. Friday
  4599. Saturday
  4600. January
  4601. February
  4602. March
  4603. April
  4604. August
  4605.     September
  4606. October
  4607. November
  4608. December
  4609. 1st Quarter
  4610. 2nd Quarter
  4611. 3rd Quarter
  4612. 4th Quarter
  4617. Registration
  4618. ProductE-
  4619. )  =  0    
  4620. Attrib 1 - Edit
  4621. ) = "0"  
  4622. ) = ""    
  4623. PreferencesC
  4624. PreferencesD-
  4625. ) = 401    
  4626. Preferences
  4627. ate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  4628. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility
  4629. erver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  4630. An example that is common to t
  4631. Products - Web Fields
  4632. Shipping - Web Fields
  4633. Customers - Web Fields
  4634. Orders - Web Fields
  4635. Ordered Items - Web Fields
  4640. b    PRODPRICE
  4652. PRODUPC
  4654. PRODUSES
  4659. f    PRODWIDTH
  4661. TAXRATE
  4663. TAXSTATE
  4664. ingredientsA
  4665. intenseE
  4666. intoF
  4667. it'sA
  4668. leanE
  4669. lessenC
  4670. lessen
  4671. fatigue
  4672. stress
  4673. while
  4674. promoting
  4675. better
  4676. health
  4677. withC
  4678. levelH
  4679. likeF
  4680. loseA
  4681. massE
  4682. medicineG
  4683. microscopicF
  4684. mineralH
  4685. mineralsH
  4686. mostG
  4687. motionB
  4688. muscleE
  4689. naturalA
  4690. naturallyF
  4691. notedF
  4692. numerousA
  4693. nutrientsH
  4694. onceI
  4695. overH
  4696. painB
  4697. patentsA
  4698. perfectA
  4699. performanceE
  4700. pillD
  4701. pillsH
  4702. powdersH
  4703. practiceG
  4704. processB
  4705. programI
  4706. promotingC
  4707. protectedA
  4708. provenG
  4709. pyruvateA
  4710. quicklyE
  4711. quitI
  4712. rangeB
  4713. readyB
  4714. recoveryE
  4715. regainB
  4716. reliefD
  4717. relief
  4718. water
  4719. retention
  4720. bloating
  4721. excess
  4722. water
  4723. researchE
  4724. fectA
  4725. rejuvenativeB
  4726. rejuvenative
  4727. joint
  4728. therapyB
  4729. perfect
  4730. combinationA
  4731. therapyB
  4732. assassinC
  4733. chondroitinB
  4734. fatigueC
  4735. fatigue
  4736. assassinC
  4737. glucosamineB
  4738. ersion
  4739. 2.6.7r3A
  4740. assassinC
  4741. glucosamineB
  4742. Cancel
  4743. gd@@You cannot upgrade from like versions of Ch-Ching!   Please contact Imacination Software for further upgrade information.
  4744. posta
  4745. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  4746. country - Customer's shipping country.
  4747. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  4748. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  4749. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  4750. An example that is common to t
  4751. ram:'prodAttrib4', loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib4', loopcount),'/')]
  4752. [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttrib5', loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib5', loopcount),'/')]
  4753. [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttr
  4754. ib6', loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib6', loopcount),'/')]
  4755. [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttrib7', loopcount)!='')][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)=(String_Concatenate:(Variable:(String_Concatenate:'productName', loopcount)), (form_param:'prodAttrib7', loopcount),'/')]
  4756. [/if][if:((form_param:'prodAttrib8', loopcou
  4757. eads and agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this License and you relinquish all your license rights in the Software, backup copies, documentation and related materials.
  4758. 2.  Restrictions.  The Software contains copyrighted material, trade secrets and other proprietary material and in order to protect them, and except as permitted by applicable legislation, you may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to human-perceivable form.  You may no
  4759. t modify, network, rent, lease, loan, distribute or create derivative works based upon the Software in whole or in part, except for the limited networking described above in Section 1.  
  4760. 3.  Termination. This License is effective until terminated.  You may terminate this License at any time by destroying the Software, related documentation and fonts and all copies thereof.  This License will terminate immediately without notice from IMACINATION if you fail to comply with any provision of
  4761. 123 Main St.\
  4762. Anytowna
  4763. sales@nutri-pro.come
  4764. Thank you for your order!h
  4765. Nutri-Pro, Inc.i
  4766. 805-555-1212o
  4767. CAv http://www.yourdomain.com/store/w
  4768. 93001
  4769. 11/9/99
  4770. store
  4771. command
  4773. Ch-Ching! Online Shopping Cart
  4774. End User Software License
  4776. 1.  License.   The application, demonstration, system and other software accompanying this License, whether on disk, in read only memory, or on any other media (the "Software"), the related documentation and fonts are licensed to you by IMACINATION or its local subsidial subsidiaaa
  4777. al subsidia local subsidiaits local subs subs
  4778. bsbsd or its local subse customers shopping cart.
  4779. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  4780. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  4781. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  4782. state - Customer's shipping state.
  4783. posta
  4784. he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight:
  4785. [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30]
  4786.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95']
  4787.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  4788.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  4789. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  4790.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  4791.  [els
  4792. e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  4793.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  4794. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  4795.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  4796.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  4797.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  4798. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  4799.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  4800.  [/if]
  4801.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  4802.      [variable_set:'
  4803. 10/29/99p
  4804. Registrationt
  4805. Product
  4806. 8/5/99
  4807. The Ultra-Perfect system is a highly effective combination of Ultra Pyruvate and Fat Absorber. It's perfect if you want to lose weight and trim inches in a safe and natural way. With breakthrough ingredients that are protected by numerous United States government patents.
  4808. The Perfect Combination
  4809. Ultra Perfect
  4810. ultraperfsm.jpg
  4811. $89.50
  4812. e(These are the uses for the Ultra PerfectThe Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  4813. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility
  4814. Address SetupJ
  4815. Internet SetupK
  4816. About...L
  4817. Customers - ListM
  4818. Credit SetupN
  4819. OrdersO    CustomersP
  4820. ProductsQ
  4821. Products - ListR
  4822. Ordered Items
  4823. Ordered Items - Web FieldsB
  4824. .[variable_set:'method'=(token_value:'method')]
  4825. [if:(String_EndsWith: '
  4826. ', Find='/')]
  4827. [inline:database="
  4828. ", layout="www_orderUpdate", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), "ordCustomerNumber"=(form_param:"ordCustomerNumber"), ClientUserName="
  4829. ", ClientPassword="
  4830. ", update]
  4831. =='Custom']
  4832. /[variable_set:'quantity'=(field:'ordQuantity')]
  4833. 5[variable_set:'shippingSum'=(field:'ordShippingSum')]
  4834. 1[variable_set:'orderTotal'=(field:'ordTotalSum')ring_EndsWith: '
  4835. ', Find='/')]
  4836. [inline:database="
  4837. ", layout="www_orderUpdate", recid=(form_param:"recNum"), "ordCustomerNumber"=(form_param:"ordCustomerNumber"), ClientUserName="
  4838. ", ClientPassword="
  4839. ", update]
  4840. =='Custom']
  4841. /[variable_set:'quantity'=(field:'ordQuantity')]
  4842. 5[variable_set:'shippingSum'=(field:'ordShippingSum')]
  4843. 1[variable_set:'orderTotal'=(field:'ordTotalSum')
  4844. shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)]
  4845.  [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight']
  4846.     [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)]
  4847.  [/if]
  4848. 11r list of available method names.
  4849. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  4850. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  4851. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  4852. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  4853. state - Customer's shipping state.
  4854. posta
  4855. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  4856. country - Customer's shipping country.
  4857. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  4858. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  4859. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  4860. An example that is common to t
  4861. variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  4862.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  4863.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  4864. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  4865.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  4866.  [/if]
  4867.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  4868.      [variable_set:'
  4869.  for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts.
  4870. The following Variables are available to your script for use:
  4871. method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names.
  4872. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  4873. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  4874. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  4875. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  4876. state - Customer's shipping state.
  4877. posta
  4878. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  4879. country - Customer's shipping country.
  4880. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  4881. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  4882. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  4883. An example that is common to t
  4884. burgundy
  4885. sconce
  4886. unscented
  4887. candle
  4888. country@
  4889. cranberry@
  4890. dipped@
  4891. hanging@
  4892. inch@
  4893. mulberry
  4894. heavily
  4895. scented
  4896. fashioned
  4897. poured
  4898. votive
  4899. sandalwood@
  4900. strawberry@
  4901. tray@
  4902. white@
  4903. wicked@
  4904. wide@
  4905. version@
  4906. version
  4907. 2.6.7b1@
  4908. choose
  4909. sconce
  4910. candles
  4911. export@
  4912. ch-ching
  4913. export
  4914. 7-dayI
  4915. absorbF
  4916. absorbedH
  4917. absorberA
  4918. acceleratingE
  4919. achieveE
  4920. acidsH
  4921. adavantageE
  4922. advancedG
  4923. aminoH
  4924. arthritisB
  4925. assassinC
  4926. assimilatedH
  4927. athletesE
  4928. basedG
  4929. beatB
  4930. beenG
  4931. benefitB
  4932. betterC
  4933. bindingF
  4934. bio-medicalG
  4935. bloatingD
  4936. bodyD
  4937. breakthroughA
  4938. calorieH
  4939. capsuleF
  4940. causeD
  4941. cellularH
  4942. cessationI
  4943. chineseG
  4944. cholesterolH
  4945. chondroitinB
  4946. co-factorsH
  4947. combinationA
  4948. combinedG
  4949. competitiveE
  4950. containsH
  4951. degenerativeB
  4952. dietaryE
  4953. duringE
  4954. eachF
  4955. easilyH
  4956. effectiveA
  4957. elementsH
  4958. eliminateF
  4959. energyE
  4960. essentialH
  4961. glucosamineB
  4962. governmentA
  4963. healingG
  4964. healthC
  4965. helpsD
  4966. herbalG
  4967. herbsG
  4968. highlyA
  4969. historyG
  4970. arthritis
  4971. regain
  4972. range
  4973. motiB
  4974. inchesA
  4975. increasesE
  4976. inflammationB
  4977. X.Nature
  4978. s Perfect Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Formula
  4979. Food Perfect
  4980. foodprfsm.jpg
  4981. 49.50
  4982. Registration
  4983. Version 2.6.7b2
  4984. Version 2.6.7r5
  4985. 1818542393
  4986. Food Perfect is 100%...
  4987. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  4988. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility
  4989. 12.95']
  4990.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  4991.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  4992. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  4993.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  4994.  [/if]
  4995.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  4996.      [variable_set:'
  4997. he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight:
  4998. [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30]
  4999.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95']
  5000.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  5001.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  5002. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  5003.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  5004.  [els
  5005. e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  5006.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  5007. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  5008.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  5009.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  5010.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  5011. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  5012.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  5013.  [/if]
  5014.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  5015.      [variable_set:'
  5016. Registration
  5017. Version 2.6.7b2
  5018. Version 2.6.7r5
  5019. 1818542393
  5020. The Ultra-Perfect sy...
  5021. Size: 50mg, 100mg
  5022. Size: Small, Medium
  5023. Color: Red, Green, Black
  5024. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  5025. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility
  5026. vernight:
  5027. [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30]
  5028.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95']
  5029.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  5030.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  5031. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  5032.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  5033.  [els
  5034. Authorization Code:
  5035. Comment:
  5036. ordCustomers: :custFirstName
  5037. ordCustomers: :custOrganization
  5038. ordCustomers: :custAddress
  5039. ordCustomers: :custCountry
  5040. ordCustomers: :custCity
  5041.  ordCustomers: :custStateProvince
  5042. ordCustomers: :custPostalCode
  5043. ordCustomers: :custLastName
  5044. ordCustomers: :custFirstName
  5045. ordCustomers: :custOrganization
  5046. ordCustomers: :custAddress
  5047. ordCustomers: :custCity
  5048.  ordCustomers: :custStateProvince
  5049. ordCustomers: :custPostalCoderderedItems::itmQuantity
  5050. ordOrderedItems::itmProductID
  5051. ordOrderedItems::itmProductName
  5052.  ordOrderedItems::itmManufacturer
  5053. ordOrderedItems::itmPrice
  5054. ordOrderedItems::itmTotalPrice
  5055. ordShipping
  5056. ordShippingMethod
  5057. ordTax
  5058. ordOrderTotal
  5059. ordExpirationDate
  5060. ordShipped
  5061.     ordStatus
  5062. ordComment
  5063. ordAccountNumber
  5064.     ordMethod
  5065. ordAuthCode
  5066. ordOrderID
  5067. ordCustomerNumber
  5068. ordCustomers: :custCustomerID
  5069. ordOrderDate
  5070. Return to Orders
  5071. rDate
  5072. Return to Orders
  5073. ordCustomers: :custLastName
  5074. ordOrderedItems: :itmQuantity
  5075. ordOrderedItems: :itmProductID
  5076.  ordOrderedItems: :itmProductName
  5077. !ordOrderedItems: :itmManufacturer
  5078. ordOrderedItems: :itmPrice
  5079. ordOrderedItems: :itmTotalPrice
  5080. ordShipping
  5081. ordShippingMethod
  5082. ordTax
  5083. ordOrderTotal
  5084. ordExpirationDate
  5085. ordShipped
  5086.     ordStatus
  5087. ordComment
  5088. ordAccountNumber
  5089.     ordMethod
  5090. ordAuthCode
  5091. ordOrderID
  5092. ordCustomerNumber
  5093. ordCustomers: :custCustomerID
  5094. ordOrderDate
  5095. Return to Orders
  5096. Organization
  5097. Address
  5098. Organization
  5099. Address
  5100. Email
  5101. Customer #:
  5102. f    Order ID:
  5103. Date:
  5104. j    Cust. ID:
  5105. Order Total:
  5106. Status:
  5107. Type:
  5108. Shipping & Handling:
  5109. t    Exp Date:
  5110. Shipped:
  5111. Sold To:
  5112. Bill To:
  5113. Orders
  5114. Findders
  5115. Findders
  5116. Findders
  5117. Findders
  5118. Findders
  5119. Findders
  5120. Findders
  5121. Findders
  5122. Findders
  5123. Findders
  5124. FindFindders
  5125. Findders
  5126. Sold To:
  5127. Bill To:
  5128. Orders
  5129. Findders
  5130. Findders
  5131. Findders
  5132. Findders
  5133. Findders
  5134. Address SetupS
  5135. Internet SetupT
  5136. About...U
  5137. Customers - ListV
  5138. Credit SetupW
  5139. OrdersX    CustomersY
  5140. ProductsZ
  5141. Products - List[
  5142. Ordered Items
  5143. he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight:
  5144. [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30]
  5145.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95']
  5146.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  5147.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  5148. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  5149.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  5150.  [els
  5151. e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  5152.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  5153. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  5154.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  5155.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  5156.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  5157. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  5158.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  5159.  [/if]
  5160.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  5161.      [variable_set:'
  5162. custAddressB
  5163. custbillingAddressB
  5164. custbillingCityB
  5165. custbillingCountryB
  5166. custbillingFirstNameB
  5167. A    Customers
  5168. Orders
  5169. Products - List
  5170. www_productsB
  5171. ied from any responsibility
  5172. Credit Setup
  5173. Products
  5174. Ordered Items
  5175. 6A    Customers
  5176. Products - List
  5177. Product Name
  5178. Manufacturer
  5179. Price
  5180. Total
  5181. Acct #:
  5182. Acct #:
  5183. Acct #:
  5184. Acct #:
  5185. Acct #:
  5186. Acct #:
  5187. Acct #:
  5188. Acct #:
  5189. Acct #:
  5190. Acct #:
  5191.  lbs.
  5192. he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight:
  5193. [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30]
  5194.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95']
  5195.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  5196.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  5197. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  5198.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  5199.  [els
  5200. e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  5201.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  5202. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  5203.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  5204.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  5205.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  5206. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  5207.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  5208.  [/if]
  5209.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  5210.      [variable_set:'
  5211. parties with respect to the use of the Software, related documentation and fonts, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter.  No amendment to or modification of this License will be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of IMACINATION.   
  5212. Ch-Ching! is a registered trademark of IMACINATION.   Ch-Ching! and all logos provided with it are copyright of  Imacination Software.
  5213. mail.yourdomain.com
  5214. sales@yourdomain.com
  5215. http://www.yourdomain.com/
  5216. http://www.yourdomain.com/post/
  5217. Custom
  5218. Enabled
  5219. Leading
  5220. Global
  5221. ot electronically transmit the Software from one computer to another over a network.  You may also transfer all your license rights in the Software and fonts, backup copy of the Software and fonts, the related documentation and a copy of this License to another party, provided the other party r
  5222.  from any responsibilityderTotal') > 300]
  5223.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  5224.  [/if]
  5225.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  5226.      [variable_set:'
  5227. excessD
  5228. exerciseE
  5229. fatigueC
  5230. fibersF
  5231. fifteenF
  5232. fiftyH
  5233. fluidsD
  5234. foodH
  5235. perfect
  5236. cholesterol
  5237. sodium
  5238. foodsF
  5239. formulaG
  5240. freeH
  5241. fromD
  5242. fuelE
  5243. fullB
  5244. givingE
  5245. glucosamineB
  5246. governmentA
  5247. healingG
  5248. healthC
  5249. helpI
  5250. helpsD
  5251. herbalG
  5252. herbsG
  5253. highlyA
  5254. historyG
  5255. humanH
  5256. arthritis
  5257. regain
  5258. range
  5259. motiB
  5260. inchesA
  5261. includingH
  5262. increasesE
  5263. inflammationB
  5264. tion Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility
  5265.  a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  5266. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  5267. An example that is common to t
  5268.  for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts.
  5269. The following Variables are available to your script for use:
  5270. method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names.
  5271. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  5272. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  5273. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  5274. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  5275. state - Customer's shipping state.
  5276. posta
  5277. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  5278. country - Customer's shipping country.
  5279. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  5280. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  5281. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  5282. An example that is common to t
  5283.     "Product"
  5284. ProductB
  5285. "Yes"
  5286.     A*+---------------Layouts------------------+
  5287. A,+---------------Utilities------------------+
  5288. StartUp
  5289.     "Enabled"
  5290. EnabledK$
  5291.     "Leading"
  5292. Leading
  5293. 10/29/99p
  5294. Registrationt
  5295. Product
  5296. 8/5/99
  5297. General Health
  5298. QNLessen fatigue and stress while promoting better health with Fatigue Assassin.
  5299. All Natural Ginseng
  5300. Fatigue Assassin
  5301. assassinsm.jpg
  5302. 19.50
  5303. Registration
  5304. Version 2.6.7b2
  5305. Version 2.6.7r5
  5306. 1818542393
  5307. Lessen fatigue and s...
  5308. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  5309. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  5310. An example that is common to t
  5311. topgunsm.jpg
  5312. 49.50
  5313. Registration
  5314. Version 2.6.7b2
  5315. Version 2.6.7r5
  5316. 1818542393
  5317. Top Gun sexual healt...
  5318. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  5319. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility
  5320. ) > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  5321.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  5322.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  5323.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  5324. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  5325.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  5326.  [/if]
  5327.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  5328.      [variable_set:'
  5329. Find Shipping Rules
  5330. Shipping
  5331. New Shipping Rule
  5332. Shipping
  5333. Find Verical Links
  5334. Vertical
  5335. se:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  5336.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  5337. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  5338.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  5339.  [/if]
  5340.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  5341.      [variable_set:'
  5342. Address SetupG
  5343. Internet SetupH
  5344. About...I
  5345. Customers - ListJ
  5346. Credit SetupK
  5347. OrdersL    CustomersM
  5348. ProductsN
  5349. Products - ListO
  5350. Ordered Items
  5351. Change Password
  5352. Upgrade 2.6.7r4
  5353. www_about...B
  5354. he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight:
  5355. [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30]
  5356.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95']
  5357.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  5358.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  5359. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  5360.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  5361.  [els
  5362. e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  5363.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  5364. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  5365.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  5366.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  5367.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  5368. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  5369.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  5370.  [/if]
  5371.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  5372.      [variable_set:'
  5373. shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)]
  5374.  [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight']
  5375.     [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)]
  5376.  [/if]
  5377. 10/29/99p
  5378. Registrationt
  5379. Product
  5380. 8/5/99
  5381. Pain Management
  5382. If you want to beat arthritis, regain your full range of motion, if your not ready to surrender to the pain and inflammation of the degenerative process, Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate can be of significant benefit to you!
  5383. Rejuvenative Joint Therapy
  5384. Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate
  5385. ]    gcssm.jpg
  5386. 49.95
  5387. These are some more uses.
  5388. Registration
  5389. Version 2.6.7b2
  5390. Version 2.6.7r5list of available method names.
  5391. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  5392. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  5393. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  5394. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  5395. state - Customer's shipping state.
  5396. posta
  5397.  for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts.
  5398. The following Variables are available to your script for use:
  5399. method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names.
  5400. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  5401. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  5402. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  5403. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  5404. state - Customer's shipping state.
  5405. posta
  5406. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  5407. country - Customer's shipping country.
  5408. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  5409. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  5410. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  5411. An example that is common to t
  5412. he mail order clothing industry that charges a fixed shipping cost, regardless of the package's destiny, based on value of the total order, then adds a premium for Next Day or Overnight:
  5413. [if:(variable:'orderTotal') <= 30]
  5414.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '4.95']
  5415.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 30) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 60)]
  5416.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '7.95']
  5417. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 60) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 100)]
  5418.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '9.95']
  5419.  [els
  5420. e:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 100) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 160)]
  5421.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '11.95']
  5422. [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  5423.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  5424.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  5425.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  5426. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  5427.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  5428.  [/if]
  5429.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  5430.      [variable_set:'
  5431. www_internetSetupB
  5432. either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility
  5433. [if:(token_value) != 'delete']
  5434. [loop:(form_param:'prodName', count)][variable_set:(String_Concatenate:'productName',(loopcount))=(form_param:'prodName', EncodeRaw, (loopcount))]
  5435. [if:((form_param:'prodAttrib1', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib2', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib3', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib4', loopcount) !='') 
  5436. || ((form_param:'prodAttrib5', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib6', loopcount) !='') || 
  5437. || ((form_param:'prodAttrib5', loopcount) !='') || ((form_param:'prodAttrib6', loopcount) !='') || 
  5438. Address SetupN
  5439. Internet SetupO
  5440. About...P
  5441. Customers - ListQ
  5442. Credit SetupR
  5443. OrdersS    CustomersT
  5444. ProductsU
  5445. Products - ListV
  5446. Ordered Items
  5447. 1818542393
  5448. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  5449. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibility
  5450.  for loss of revenue due to the use of custom shipping scripts.
  5451. The following Variables are available to your script for use:
  5452. method - The customer's selected shipping method from your list of available method names.
  5453. quantity - The quantity of items in the customers shopping cart.
  5454. shippingSum - Sum of fixed shipping costs, set in the Product Shipping screen.
  5455. orderTotal - PreTotal of Order, not including Tax or Shipping.
  5456. orderTax - PreTotal of Tax
  5457. state - Customer's shipping state.
  5458. posta
  5459. lCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  5460. country - Customer's shipping country.
  5461. orderWeight - Sum of the weight of all the items in the customers shopping cart.
  5462. The API expects a variable called 'shipping' to be created whose value is the amount the customer will be charged.
  5463. Please note:  The following examples use Lasso 3 syntax.  If you are using a Lasso 2.5.x equipped webserver, substitute the word 'variable' for 'var' and 'variable_set' for 'set_var'.
  5464. An example that is common to t
  5465. shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),6)]
  5466.  [else:if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Overnight']
  5467.     [variable_set:'shipping' = (Math_add:(variable:'shipping'),12)]
  5468.  [/if]
  5469. 10/29/99p
  5470. Registrationt
  5471. Product
  5472. 8/5/99
  5473. Exercise
  5474. 8Scientific research has verified that this safe, natural dietary supplement increases muscle strength, lean body mass and energy while accelerating energy recovery during intense exercise.  Athletes using this natural fuel can achieve better performance and strength quickly giving them a competitive adavantage.
  5475. Energy Powerhouse
  5476. Creatine Monohydrate
  5477. Address SetupH
  5478. Internet SetupI
  5479. About...J
  5480. Customers - ListK
  5481. Credit SetupL
  5482. OrdersM    CustomersN
  5483. ProductsO
  5484. Products - ListP
  5485. Ordered Items
  5486. 1818542393
  5487. If you want to beat ...
  5488. Size: Large, XL
  5489. Color: Orange, Mauve
  5490. The Shipping Rule API allows you to create a custom shipping script for calculating the Shipping and Handling.  Use of the API requires knowledge of the Lasso Math Tags.  Please be aware that a faulty shipping script can cause your store to operate incorrectly.  You should refer to the Lasso manual for assistance in creating a custom calculation.
  5491. Imacination Software cannot be responsible for either writing or debugging your shipping script and must be indemnified from any responsibilityany responsibility
  5492. se:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 160) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 200)]
  5493.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '12.95']
  5494.  [else:if:((variable:'orderTotal') > 200) && ((variable:'orderTotal') <= 300)]
  5495.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '13.95']
  5496. [else:if:(variable:'orderTotal') > 300]
  5497.      [variable_set:'shipping' = '14.95']
  5498.  [/if]
  5499.  [if:(variable:'method') == 'UPS - Next Day']
  5500.      [variable_set:'